H. Welch , R.L. Pressey , A.E. Reside
Journal for Nature Conservation 41 106 -115
S.G. Kearney , J.E.M. Watson , A.E. Reside , D.O. Fisher
Preprints 2020100372
April Reside , Robyn Bell , Stephen M. Turton , Catherine Moran
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
April Reside , Bonnie Mappin , James Watson , Sarah Chapman
The conversation
April Reside , Jennifer Silcock , Leonie Seabrook , Megan C. Evans
The Conversation
Anita Cosgrove , April Reside , James Edward Watson , Martine Maron
The Conversation Media Trust
April Reside , Hugh Possingham , Martine Maron , James Watson
Sean L. Maxwell , April Reside , James Trezise , Clive A. McAlpine
Global Ecology and Conservation 18
Ara Monadjem , April Reside , Julien Cornut , Mike R. Perrin
Mammalia 73 ( 4) 353 -359
Ara Monadjem , April Reside , Lindy Lumsden
South African Journal of Wildlife Research 37 ( 1) 9 -15
Ara Monadjem , M. Corrie Schoeman , April Reside , Dorothea V. Pio
Acta Chiropterologica 12 ( 2) 371 -391
Ara Monadjem , April Reside
Acta Chiropterologica 10 ( 2) 339 -348
Anthony Waldron , Vanessa Adams , James Allan , Andy Arnell
Campaign for Nature
Michelle Ward , Josie Carwardine , James EM Watson , Anna Pintor
Conservation Biology 36 ( 5) e13936 -e13936
Michelle Ward , Aaron Greenville , April Reside , Ayesha Tulloch
The Conversation Media Group
Stephen Kearney , April Reside , James Watson , Rebecca Louise Nelson
The Conversation Media Group
April Reside , Sean Maxwell , James Trezise , James Watson
April Reside , James Watson
The Conversation Media Group
April Reside , James Trezise , James Watson
Stephen Garnett , Alienor Chauvenet , April Reside , Brendan Wintle
The Conversation Media Trust