David Brereton , Mary-Anne Barclay , Daniel Samson , Ana Maria Esteves
CSRM 1 -64
Daniel Franks , Phil Clark , David Brereton , Courtney Fidler
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland & Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland Government 1 -61
John Toomey , Sandra Kentish , Peter Cook , David Brereton
Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA)
Danellie Lynas , Daniel M. Franks , David Brereton , Tim Horberry
Second International Future Mining Conference
Daniel M Franks , David Brereton , Tapan Sarker , Tamar Cohen
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining & Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland & Australian Coal Association Research Program
Warren Laffan , David Brereton , Mary Anne Barclay , Ruth Beach
The University of Queensland
Christina Birdsall-Jones , Fiona Haslam McKenzie , David Brereton , Steven Rowley
Final Report Series of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute 135 ( 135) 1 -107
Janice Terril , Daniel Franks , David Brereton , Cristian Parra
1 -74
David Brereton , Mary-Anne Barclay , Ana Maria Esteves
First International Seminar on Social Responsibility in Mining (SR Mining 2011) 1 -8
Barbara Onate , Danellie Lynas , Daniel M. Franks , David Brereton
The University of Queensland; CSIRO
Deanna Kemp , Joni Parmenter , David Brereton , Mary Anne Barclay
Women in Social and Economic Research (WiSER) 111 -197
Warren Laffan , David Brereton , Julia Keenan , Asad Khan
Faculty of Health
Cath Pattenden , Sokar Phillpot , Kemp Deanna , Joni Parmenter
Minerals Council of Australia 65 -109
Ed O'Keefe , David Brereton , Warwick Browne , Kathryn Tomlinson
Fitsum Weldegiorgis , Paul Rogers , David Brereton , Nina Collins
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland
Joseph Reser , Paul Memmott , Jeremy Buultjens , David Brereton
CAUTHE 2006: To the City and Beyond 1043
Cath Pattenden , Lynda Cheshire , David Brereton , Mary Anne Barclay
CSRM 1 -39
Tamar Cohen , Ian Lilley , David Brereton , Kirsty Gillespie
Rio Tinto
J. Reser , Paul Memmott , Jeremy Buultjens , Catherine Chambers
The University of Queensland 1 -9
David Brereton , Jason West
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility