Wolf Stoeckl , Natalie Stoeckl , Vicki Brown , Owen Stanley
James Cook University
Riccardo Welters , N. Stoeckl , Diana Castorina
University of Newcastle
A. Mangott , N. Stoeckl , M. Curnock , M. Farr
Reef & Rainforest Research Centre
S. Larson , C. Mayocchi , R. Greiner , N. Stoeckl
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
N. Stoeckl
Building community capacity for tourism development 16 -28
N. Stoeckl
Tourism Economics 9 ( 3) 325 -335
N. Stoeckl , T. Chaiechi , M. Farr , D. Jarvis
Biological Conservation 191 478 -494
S. Larson , N. Stoeckl , B. Blanco-Martin
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 20 ( 4) 302 -319
A. J. Smith , D. Lee , D. Newsome , N. Stoeckl
Smith, A.J. <https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Smith, Amanda.html>, Lee, D. <https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Lee, Diane.html>, Newsome, D. <https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Newsome, David.html> and Stoeckl, N. (2006) Production and consumption of wildlife icons: dolphin tourism at Monkey Mia, Western Australia. In: Meethan, K. and Anderson, A., (eds.) Tourism consumption and representation: narratives of place and self. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 113-139. 113 -139
M. Common , T. Bull , N. Stoeckl
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 43 ( 4) 457 -477
N. Stoeckl , N. G. Inman-Bamber
Water Resources Research 39 ( 10) 1302
JA Osborne , NE Stoeckl , YL Everingham , NG Inman-Bamber
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists held at Mackay, Queensland, Australia, 4-6 May 2011
NE Stoeckl , VL Brown , OG Stanley , Sue Jackson
Economic Society of Australia
Ida Kubiszewski , Natalie Stoeckl , Tom Kompas , Robert Costanza
Ecological Economics 183 106961
Jane Addison , Natalie Stoeckl , Silva Larson , Diane Jarvis
World Development 120 91 -104
Natalie Stoeckl , Romy Greiner , Colin Mayocchi
Tourism Management 27 ( 1) 97 -112
Duan Biggs , C. Michael Hall , Natalie Stoeckl
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 20 ( 5) 645 -665
Michelle Esparon , Emma Gyuris , Natalie Stoeckl
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 22 ( 1) 148 -169
Natalie Stoeckl , Christina C. Hicks , Morena Mills , Katharina Fabricius
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1219 ( 1) 113 -133
Natalie Stoeckl , Alastair Birtles , Marina Farr , Arnold Mangott
Tourism Economics 16 ( 4) 995 -1018