E. G. G. Barrow , D.B. Thomas , W.M. Senga
University of Nairobi
Igr. Stoll , Per Presgard , Edmund G.C. Barrow , Cathy Watson
Initiatives Publishers
E.G.C. Barrow
Resources (Nairobi, Kenya) 2 ( 1) 23 -29
Edmund Barrow
S.A.P.I.EN.S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society
Robert J Fisher , Gill Shepherd , Edmund Barrow , Janaka de Silva
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Edmund Barrow
Vicky Tauli-Corpuz , Janis Alcorn , Augusta Molnar , Christina Healy
World Development 130 104923
José Rafael Ferrer‐Paris , Irene Zager , David A. Keith , María A. Oliveira‐Miranda
Conservation Letters 12 ( 2)
Edmund Barrow , M Murphree
African wildlife and livelihoods 24 -37
Edmund Barrow , Helen Gichohi , Mark Infield
A Review of Community Conservation Policy and Practice in East Africa (London: International Institute for Environment and Development)
Edmund Barrow , Christo Fabricius
Parks 12 ( 2) 67 -79
Robert Fisher , Stewart Maginnis , William Jackson , Edmund Barrow
Edmund Barrow , Wendelen Mlenge
international conference on rural livelihoods, forests and biodiversity 19 -23
Pascal Girot , Charles Ehrhart , Judy Oglethorpe , Hannah Reid
Gland Switzerland
Edmund Barrow , Hezron Mogaka
IUCN–The World Conservation Union. Nairobi
Edmund Barrow
( 66) 24 pp. -24 pp.
Daniel McGahey , Jonathan Davies , Edmund Barrow
Annals of Arid Zones 46 ( 2) 353 -377
Laura A German , Carol J Pierce Colfer , Edmund Barrow , Christian Küchli
Routledge 1 -25
Hannah Reid , Nathalie Seddon , Edmund Barrow , Charlotte Hicks
Edmund Barrow , P Bergin , M Infield , P Lembuya
Integrating people and wildlife for a sustainable future. Bethesda, MD: The Wildlife Society 21 -26