Natuur voor iedereen; participeren, investeren en profiteren

P.F.M. Opdam , P. Vellinga , I.R. Geijzendorffer , C. Kwakernaak
Alterra Wageningen UR

Green infrastructure: an integrating concept for regional climate change

C.C. Vos , A.J.A. van Teeffelen
4th ESP Internatioanl Conference, Ecosystem Services: integrating Science and Practice, Wageningen, The Netherland

Natuurcompensatie : kansen, knelpunten en rekenregels

M.E.A. Broekmeyer , A.J.A. van Teeffelen , R.J.F. Bugter

Hamsterharen: bron van informatie

S. Verkem , A.J.A. van Teeffelen , R.C. van Apeldoorn
Zoogdier 12 ( 1) 11 -14

Species viability in dynamic landscapes: Seeking robust spatial-temporal habitat configurations to guide land-use change

P.F.M. Opdam , C.C. Vos , A.J.A. van Teeffelen
EURECO-GFOE 2008 proceedings, Leipzig, Germany, 15 - 19 September, 2008 747 -747

EcoTRADE : Investigating the suitability of tradable permits for biodiversity conservation in changing landscapes

P.F.M. Opdam , C.C. Vos , A.J.A. van Teeffelen
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Ghent, Belgium, 8-12 September 2008 123 -127

Natuurcompensatie: slim beleid begint op tijd

M.E.A. Broekmeyer , A.J.A. van Teeffelen , R.J.F. Bugter
Landschap : tijdschrift voor landschapsecologie en milieukunde 29 ( 2) 57 -67

Kosteneffectiviteit van natuurgebieden op het land : eerste verkenning met ruimtelijke optimalisatie biodiversiteit

D.P. Rudrum , A.J.A. van Teeffelen , G. Kruseman , R. Pouwels
Wettelijke Onderzoekstaken Natuur & Milieu

Cross‐sectoral review of adaptation and mitigation policy measures with high biodiversity conservation potential

F. Hellmann , R. Alkemade , J.E. Vermaat , J. van Minnen
Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University Amsterdam

Green infrastructure as a regional climate change adaptation strategy for dispersal-limited species

J.P. Hilbers , C.C. Vos , A.J.A. van Teeffelen
European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

Building resilience into biodiversity offset design and implementation

J. Bull , J. Aronson , F. Quetier , S. Pioch
Resilience 2014

Symposium on Economic Instruments for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services

I. Ring , A.J.A. van Teeffelen
Abstracts of Diversitas OSC2, open science conference: Biodiversity and society: understanding connections, adapting to change, October 13-16, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa 19 -19

Tradeoffs in conservation planning for dynamic landscapes

K. Johst , M. Drechsler , A.J.A. van Teeffelen
Abstracts of Diversitas OSC2, open science conference: Biodiversity and society: understanding connections, adapting to change, October 13-16, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa 134 -134

Opportunities and constraints of tradable permits for biodiversity conservation

F. Wätzold , K. Johst , P.F.M. Opdam , M. Drechsler
Abstracts of Diversitas OSC2, open science conference: Biodiversity and society: understanding connections, adapting to change, October 13-16, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa 47 -47