Dale Roberts , D. Driscoll , G. Wardell-Johnson
Genetic structuring and distribution patterns in rare southwestern Australian frogs: implications for translocation programs
D.B. Lindenmayer , W. Blanchard , L. McBurney , D. Blair
Biological Conservation 167 137 -148
Don A. Driscoll , Joel R. Williams , Peter I. Corke , Gerard G. Borg
Tim Doherty , Don A. Driscoll , Dale Nimmo , Euan G. Ritchie
Don A. Driscoll , Euan G. Ritchie , David Watson
David Lindenmayer , April E. Reside , John C. Z. Woinarski , Brendan A. Wintle
John Z. Woinarski , Harold Cogger , Samantha Flakus , Sophie Arnall
Conservation Science and Practice 3 ( 2) 1 -20
Graeme C. Hays , Tim S. Doherty , Don A. Driscoll
Nature Ecology and Evolution 5 ( 4) 513 -519
Kyran M. Staunton , Kyran M. Staunton , Somayeh Nowrouzi , Don A. Driscoll
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 311 107316
Tricia Wevill , Angie Haslem , Núria Aquilué , Tim S. Doherty
Biological Reviews 96 ( 3) 976 -998
Tim S. Doherty , Tim S. Doherty , Don A. Driscoll , John Patykowski
Ecosystems 1 -15
Angie Haslem , Martin Westbrooke , Joe Benshemesh , Sarah C. Avitabile
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9
Tim S. Doherty , Don A. Driscoll
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 ( 1870) 20172272
Luisa C. Teasdale , Annabel L. Smith , Mailyn Thomas , Catherine A. Whitehead
Austral Ecology 38 ( 8) 874 -883
Rebecca K. Gibson , Ross A. Bradstock , Trent Penman , David A. Keith
Austral Ecology 41 ( 6) 594 -603
Stephanie A. Pulsford , Philip S. Barton , Don A. Driscoll , Geoffrey M. Kay
Austral Ecology 43 ( 5) 502 -513
David P. Johnson , Don A. Driscoll , Jane A. Catford , Philip Gibbons
Austral Ecology 45 ( 3) 366 -375
Don A. Driscoll , Adam Felton , Philip Gibbons , Annika M. Felton
Climatic Change 111 ( 3) 533 -557
Don A. Driscoll , David B. Lindenmayer
Ecography 33 ( 5) 854 -865
David A. Keith , Bianca Dunker , Don A. Driscoll
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35 ( 4) 305 -307