Publications Office of the European Union
Zwart D de , Huijbregts Maj , Hollander Ha den , Geelen L
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Olivier Jolliet , Manuele Margni , Dik Van de Meent , Andrew Henderson
SETAC North America 31st Annual Meeting
L. Kooistra , H.R.M.J. Wehrens , M.J.A. Huijbregts , A.M.J. Ragas
Environmental science solutions: a pan-European perspective 28 -28
E. Hertwich , Mirjam Harmelink , A. Ciroth , M.K. Patel
EC 7th framework project PROSUITE
E. Hertwich , Mirjam Harmelink , A. Ciroth , M.K. Patel
Utrecht University
G. van Hoof , P. Jean , A. S. H. de Beaufort-Langeveld , M. Huijbregts
Code of life-cycle inventory practice.
O. Jolliet , M. Margni , A. Koehler , M. Huijbregts
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting : Multiple stressors for the environment and human health - present and future challenges and perspectives
M. Huijbregts , Mikolaj Owsianiak , Michael Zwicky Hauschild
SETAC Europe: 27th Annual Meeting – Environmental Quality Through Transdisciplinary Collaboration
W. Peijnenburg , J. Guinee , A.A. Koelmans , D. van de Meent
SETAC-NA 29th Annual Meeting, Tampa Florida, USA, 16 - 20 November 2008 7 -7
G. Kindermann , A.H. Stromman , F. Cherubini , M. Huijbregts
O. Jolliet , M. Margni , A. Koehler , M. Huijbregts
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting : Multiple stressors for the environment and human health - present and future challenges and perspectives
D Boers , L Geelen , H Erbrink , LAM Smit
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 89 ( 3) 521 -530
M.A.J. Huijbregts
AmsterdamInterfaculty Department of Envrionmental Science
M.A.J. Huijbregts
Nijmegen : Dept. Environmental Studies
M.A.J. Huijbregts
M.A.J. Huijbregts
AmsterdamInterfaculty Department of Envrionmental Science
Armitage , Cousins , M.A.J. Huijbregts , J.V. Harbers
A.M.J. Ragas , M.A.J. Huijbregts , D. Boomsma
The raison d'etre of environmental toxicology and chemistry : SETAC Europe 15th annual meeting, Lille, France 22-26 May 2005 : Abstract book
S. Humbert , S. Pfister , M.A.J. Huijbregts , R. van Zelm
Journal of Industrial Ecology 15