A.A Grez , L Fahring
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69 ( 1) 5 -13
L Fahrig , S E Pope , K M Henein , G A Rose
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 ( 1) 76 -85
SJ Cooke , Sarah Michaels , EA Nyboer , L Schiller
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1 ( 5) e0000016 -e0000016
S Harrison , L Fahrig
Biological Conservation 2 ( 76) 210 -210
JAG Jaeger , J Bowman , J Brennan , L Fahrig
Ecol Model 185 329 -348
RTT Forman , D Sperling , J Bissonette , AP Clevenger
Związek Stowarzyszeń ‘Polska Zielona Sieć’, Warszawa
John A Wiens , L Hansson , L Fahrig , G Merriam
Springer, Dordrecht
Wally Holland , L Fahrig , A Hopkin , N Cappuccino
Response of hardwood—boring Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) t0 extensive ice storrn damage
L Hepburn , AC Smith , J Zelenski , L Fahrig
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DJ Bender , TJ Contreras , L Fahrig
Biodiversity and Conservation: Causes and consequences of biodiversity loss 1: development, habitat loss and invasive species 2 ( 2) 163 -163
C Dytham , L Hansson , L Fahrig , G Merriam
Journal of Ecology 83 ( 4) 738 -738
KE Freemark , L Fahrig
14 th Annual Meeting(SETAC)- Ecological Risk Assessment: Lessons Learned?-- Abstract Book. vp. 1993.
L Tischendorf , A Grez , T Zaviezo , L Fahrig
E Bohl , R Kreikenbohm , H Caswell , DL DeAngelis
MD Burch , MS Corson , GC Dandy , B Diekkrüger
E Eberhardt , S Mitchell , L Fahrig
RTT Forman , D Sperling , JA Bissonette , AP Clevenger
Washington, DC, Island Press
RTT Forman , D Sperling , JA Bissonette , AP Clevenger
Island Press, Washington 479
RTT Forman , D Sperling , JA Bissonette , AP Clevenger
DC, USA 40
RTT Forman , D Sperling , JA Bissonette , AP Clevenger
Island press