Cities as hotspots for bird conservation

Charles Nilon , I MacGregor-Fors , Ulla Mörtberg , M A Goddard
The Wildlife Societys 20th Annual Conference, 5-10 October 2013, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Modelling habitat preferences and differences in two Parus species in an urbanising region

Ulla Mörtberg , Mikael Gontier , Åke Lindström , Sönke Eggers
Conservation Biology

Biodiversity, ecosystem services and renewable energy options

Ulla Mörtberg
Seminar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA, 26 June 2013, Laxenburg, Austria

The role of strategic environmental assessment in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive : Example from Sweden

Andrew Quin , Ulla Mörtberg , Monica Hammer , Berit Balfors
2nd International Association for Hydro-Environment Enegineering and Research Europe Conference 27-29 June 2012, Munich 1 -5

Sprawl or dense? : Assessing impacts of regional development plans on landscape network connectivity

Andreas Zetterberg , Ulla Mörtberg , Örjan Bodin , Santiago Saura

Trade-offs and ecosystem services in landscape planning and governance : A case study of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive

Ulla Mörtberg , Monica Hammer , Mona Petersson
The International Association for Landscape Ecology IALE 2013 European Congress, Change European Landscapes: Landscape ecology, local to global, 9-12 September 2013 in Manchester

Towards a climate resilient society : tools for impact assessment of infrastructure and urban development

Ulla Mörtberg , Berit Balfors
International Association for Impact Assessment Special Symposium on Climate Change and Impact Assessment, 25-26 October 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.

An operational decision support tool for stump harvest

Jörgen Rudolphi , Ulla Mörtberg , Maria Nordström , Björn Hannrup
International Symposium: “Tree-Stumps for Bioenergy - Harvesting Techniques and Environmental Consequences”, 24-26 October 2011, Uppsala, Sweden.

Ecosystem services and trade-offs in water governance : a case study of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Sweden

Ulla Mörtberg , Monica Hammer , Mona Petersson
The 4th International Ecosummit, Ecological Sustainability - Restoring the Planet´s Ecosystem Services. Ecosummit, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 30 Sep - 5 Oct 2012.

Water quality in a landscape perspective : a case study of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive

Ulla Mörtberg , Monica Hammer , Monica Petersson
World Water Week, September 5-11, 2010, Stockholm.

Application of Environmental Quality Objectives in Regional Scale Infrastructure Projects : a Swedish Example

Ulla Mörtberg , Berit Balfors , Mårten Karlson , H. Lindblom
International Association for Impact Assessment 2011

Strategic environmental assessment of scenarios for wind power plants

Ulla Mörtberg
Technoport – Sharing possibilities, Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, 16-18 April 2012.

Green qualities in transport efficient cities

Ulla Mörtberg , Berit Balfors , Juan Azcarate
First congress of the society for urban ecology, 25-27 July 2013 Berlin

A multi-criteria decision support model for optimal stump harvesting

Jörgen Rudolphi , Ulla Mörtberg , Maria Nordström , Björn Hannrup
The symposium Bioenergy Research at SLU, 25 September 2012 at SLU, Ultuna, Sweden.

Landscape level ecological impact assessment

Ulla Mörtberg , Berit Balfors , Mårten Karlson
International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) Conference “Impact Assessment and Responsible Development for Infrastructure, Business and Industry“, 28 May – 4 June 2011 in Puebla, Mexico.

Methods and tools for integration of landscape level ecological impacts in environmental assessment

Ulla Mörtberg , Berit Balfors , Martina Walter
The Infra Eco Network Europe International Conference on Ecology and Tranportation 27 September – 1 October 2010, Velence, Hungary.

Promoting renewable energy in the construction sector using environmental impact assessment as a tool

Kedar Uttam , Ulla Mörtberg , Berit Balfors
KTH Energy Initiative, November 24, 2010, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sustainability assessment of forest bioenergy options in multiple-use landscapes

Ulla Mörtberg , Xi Pang
Standup Academy Conference, 23 October 2013, Uppsala

Hydropower and environmental assessment : tools for decision support

Ulla Mörtberg , Selome Tessema
KTH Energy Initiative, 9 November 2011, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.