Fikret Berkes , Carl Folke , Johan Colding
T. Hahn , P. Olsson , Lisen Schultz , C. Folke
Princeton University Press
Terry P. Hughes , James Wilson , Bruce Campbell , Louis Lebel
T. Blenckner , M. Lindegren , N.C. Stenseth , M. Llope
Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz
Fredrik Moberg , Bengt Westerberg , Carl Folke , Johanna Björklund
Carl Folke , Carl Folke
Island Press, Washington, DC 19 -27
Carl Folke , Carl Folke
Island Press, Washington, DC 19 -27
Patrik Rönnbäck , Lisa Deutsch , Carl Folke , Nils Kautsky
Beijerinstitutet för Ekologisk Ekonomi, Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien ( 150)
T.P. Hughes , M. Nyström , C. Folke , R. Salm
The Great barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
C Hollings , B-o Jansson , C Folke , L Gunderson
Island Press, Washington DC
R. Grosberg , S. R. Palumbi , O. Hoegh-Guldberg , D. R. Bellwood
Science 302 ( 5650) 1503 -1504
Malin Falkenmark , Johan Rockström , Claudia Pahl-Wostl , Mats Lannerstad
O Coomes , R Dirzo , E Lambin , U Svedin
Global Environmental Change , 11 (4) pp. 261-269. (2001)
Malin Falkenmark , Johan Rockström , Lisa Deutsch , Line Gordon
Island Press 97 -110
F. Berkes , S. Hanna , C. Folke , M. Munasinghe
World Bank in conjunction with the Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics (Sweden) 121 -137
Jonas Ebbesson , Carl Folke
Columbia University Press 265 -292
Thomas Andersson , Carl Folke , Stefan Nyström
Fikret Berkes , Madhav Gadgil , Mina Kislalioglu , Carl Folke
Heikki Isomäki , J. Barkley Rosser , Folke Günther , Tönu Puu
Complexity in Economics
Johan Rockström , Björn Nykvist , Eric F. Lambin , Kevin Noone
Yale University Press