Bram Büscher
Bram Büscher
ISS Staff Group 4: Rural Development, Environment and Population
Bram Büscher
The Broker ( 10) 26 -26
Bram Büscher
New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry 6 20 -36
William Wolmer , Bram Büscher
Conservation and Society 5 ( 1) 1 -21
Lamson Maluleke , Bram Büscher , Barbara Tapela , Wayne Twine
ISS Staff Group 4: Rural Development, Environment and Population
Webster Whande , Bram Büscher
Conservation and Society 5 ( 1) 22 -43
Bram Büscher
Conservation and Society 9 ( 3) 258 -259
Bram Büscher , Wolfram Dressler
Conservation and Society 5 ( 4) 586 -611
Bram Büscher , Tendayi Mutimukuru ,
Bram Büscher , Wolfram Dressler , R. Fletcher
Bram Büscher , Wolfram Dressler , R. Fletcher
Bram Büscher
Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape
Haripriya Rangan , Veronica Davidov , Bram Büscher , Noella Gray
Conservation and Society 19 ( 1) 1
Kate Massarella , Anja Nygren , Robert Fletcher , Bram Büscher
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49 79 -87
Bram Büscher
Focaal 2008 ( 51) 161 -168
Stasja Koot , Bram Büscher
Journal of Southern African Studies 45 ( 2) 357 -374
Bram Büscher
World Development 57 79 -90
Bram Büscher , Giuseppe Feola , Andrew Fischer , Robert Fletcher
World Development 140 ( 105357) 105357
Bram Büscher , Robert Fletcher
New Political Economy 20 ( 2) 273 -298