Time-lapse Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data

Frederic Nguyen , A. Kemna
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2005

Monitoring Preferential Flow Processes in a Forest Soil with TDR and ERT

J. Vanderborght , C. Oberdoerster , A. Kemna , H. Vereecken
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 6892

Characterizing structural and textural subsurface patterns using spectral induced polarization: Effects of saturation

J. A. Huisman , O. Esser , K. Breede , A. Kemna
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 5473

Characterization and calibration of seawater intrusion models using electrical resistivity tomography

Jean Beaujean , A. Antonsson , A. Engesgaard , A. Kemna
AGUFM 2009

Modelling pesticide leaching in virtual realities: progress, opportunities and threats

J Vanderborght , R Kasteel , Mathieu Javaux , L Weihermüller
XIII symposium on pesticide chemistry, environmental fate and human health 426 -435

Flow and Transport Monitoring in Soils and Aquifers using Electrical Resistivity Tomography

J. Vanderborght , A. Englert , K. Müller , S. Schneider
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2007

Non-invasive methods to characterize soil-plant interactions at different scales

Mathieu Javaux , A. Pohlmeier , J. Vanderborght , M. Münch
Joint AGU Spring Meeting 2007

Why is it necessary to know the structure of the flow and transport processes at the soil profile scale and how can we investigate it

Mathieu Javaux , J. Vanderborght , R. Kasteel , M. Münch
Conference Multi-scale Modelling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Quantitative Comparison of ERT and Photographic Images of a Dye Tracer in a large Lysimeter

Mathieu Javaux , A. Binley , H. Vereecken , R. Kasteel
The EGU General Assembly

Characterization of saltwater intrusion using electrical imaging: numerical simulation and field study

R.D. Ogilvy , O. Kuras , P. Engesgaard , A. Antonsson
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2007

Salt tracer transport characterisation in an unsaturated, undisturbed soil column with aid of ERT and GPR

Mathieu Javaux , H. Vereecken , J. Schmalholz , J. Köstel
The EGU General Assembly

Visualisierung eines Salztracers in einem ungesättigten und ungestörten Bodenmonolithen mittels Elektrischer Widerstandstomographie (ERT)

Mathieu Javaux , A. Binley , J. Köstel , A. Kemna
Strukturgenese und dynamik in Böden, mit Konsequenzen für physikalische Materialeigenschaften, Wasserfluss und Stofftransprot

Quantitative Tracking of a Chloride Tracer Front Progression with 3D ERT and TDR

Mathieu Javaux , A. Binley , H. Vereecken , J. Köstel
AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. 2007

Salt tracer imaging with ERT in an unsaturated, undisturbed soil monolith

Mathieu Javaux , H. Vereecken , J. Köstel , A. Kemna
Interurban II "Water and organic matter in anthropogenic soils: dynamics and processes"