Keith Beven , Louise Heathwaite , Phil Haygarth , Des Walling
Hydrological Processes 19 ( 2) 551 -556
Gareth Bradbury , Alan Puttock , Gemma Coxon , Stewart Clarke
EGU24 ( EGU24-3953)
S. Maberly , I. Fozzard , R. Brazier , N. Willby
Environment Agency: Bristol.
K. Beven , R. Brazier , R. Hodgkinson , P. Scholefield
Diffuse Phosphorus Loss: risk assessment, mitigation options and ecological effects in river basins.The 5th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW5), Silkeborg, Denmark, 3-7 Spetember 2007. 177 -179
K. Beven , R. Brazier , R. Hodgkinson , Paul Scholefield
IAHS-AISH publication 306 514 -523
R. Brazier , P.S. Naden , J. Marsh , P.N. Owens
Diffuse Phosphorus Loss: risk assessment, mitigation options and ecological effects in river basins.The 5th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW5), Silkeborg, Denmark, 3-7 Spetember 2007. 201 -204
P. Benaud , R. Brazier , N. Gatis , E. Grand-Clement
AGUFM 2013
P. Benaud , R. Brazier , N. Gatis , E. Grand-Clement
AGUFM 2013
J. M. Clark , J. Ritson , N. Graham , M. Templeton
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013
Z. Kapelan , S. Dessai , R. Brazier , B. Korteling
AGUFM 2012
R. Brazier , E. Grand-Clement , I. Hartley , D. Luscombe
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 704
R. Brazier , J. Wainwright , A. Parsons , M. Powell
EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 3239
P. Harris , N. J. K. Howden , S. Peukert , V. Noacco
16th International Association for Mathematical Geosciences - Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment: Challenges, Processes and Strategies, IAMG 2014 651 -655
G.S Bilotta , R.E Brazier , J Quinton , T Krueger
Diffuse Phosphorus Loss: risk assessment, mitigation options and ecological effects in river basins.The 5th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW5), Silkeborg, Denmark, 3-7 Spetember 2007. 205 -208
G.S Bilotta , R.E Brazier , J Quinton , T Krueger
G.S Bilotta , R.E Brazier , J Quinton , T Krueger
Blackwell, Oxford, England
R.E Brazier , J.S Rowan , S.G Anthony , P.F Quinn
Catena 42 ( 1) 59 -79
Alan Puttock , Christopher J.A. Macleod , Roland Bol , Patrick Sessford
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 ( 13) 1602 -1611
Ian J Bateman , Karen Anderson , Arthur Argles , Claire Belcher
People and Nature 5 ( 2) 271 -301
Ian J Bateman , Karen Anderson , Arthur Argles , Claire Belcher