P.M. Bluijssen
Delft Academic Press
Claude-Alain Roulet , Chrit Cox , Philo Bluyssen
PLEA 2006
Matti Peltonen , Arja Asikainen , Marko Hyttinen , Otto Hänninen
ISEE Conference Abstracts 2013 ( 1) 5092
Bjarne Olesen , Philo Bluyssen , Claude-Alain Roulet
Routledge 62 -104
Chris Geurts , Myriam Aries , Timo Nijland , Carine van Bentum
EMS Annual Meeting European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), 29 September – 03 October 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16 16
Philo Bluyssen
P. M. Bluyssen , C. Roda , C. Mandin , S. Fossati
Indoor Air 26 ( 2) 298 -317
P. M. Bluyssen , E. Oliveira Fernandes , L. Groes , G. Clausen
Indoor Air 6 ( 4) 221 -238
P.M Bluyssen , C Cox
Energy and Buildings 34 ( 2) 155 -162
D Caccavelli , C Balaras , P Bluyssen , F Flourentzou
P Bluyssen , M Loomans
S Fossati , J Bartzis , P Bluyssen , Andrea Cattaneo
EPIDEMIOLOGY 23 ( Suppl. 5) S640 -S640
Jose Jimenez , L Marr , K Randall , ET Ewing
Available at SSRN
J Pejtersen , P Bluyssen , H Kondo , G Clausen
Proceedings of CLIMA 3 139 -144
P Bluyssen
Proc. of CLIMA 2000, Sarajevo 3 25 -30
CA Roulet , P Bluyssen , D Ducarme , E de Oliveira Fernandes
Proceedings of 4th International conference on Healthy Buildings 1299 -1304
BP Leaderer , S Renes , P Bluyssen , H Van De Loo
79th Annual Meeting Air Poll. Control Assoc
P Bluyssen
Proc. of INDOOR AIR'90, Toronto 1 569 -574
P Bluyssen , E Fernandes , P Fanger , L Groes
Joule II project, The Netherlands
L Groes , G Raw , P Bluyssen
Proceedings of 4th International conference on Healthy Buildings 1293 -1298