Moose: An integrated multi-sites observatory system in the NW Mediterranean sea

Xavier Durrieu De Madron , Laurent Beguery , Philippe Fraunie , Jean-Michel Lellouche
HYMEX 2009, 3rd HyMeX workshop 1-4 June 2009 Heraklion (Gournes), Crete-Greece

BOUSSOLE: A Joint CNRS-INSU, ESA, CNES, and NASA Ocean Color Calibration and Validation Activity

Guislain Becu , Alec J Scott , Cyril Dempsey , Fabrizio d'Ortenzio

Ocean & Coastal observations from a geostationary orbit: science focus preliminary design of the OCAPI mission

D. Doxaran , David Antoine
SPIE Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Conference 2010

Modelling volume scattering functions using a multi-modal mie scattering approach

V. Brando , M. Chami , David Antoine , A. Dekker
Proceedings from Ocean Optics XIX Conference 2008

Use of autonomous profiling floats for validation and calibration of satellite ocean color estimates

C. Proctor , David Antoine , E. Boss , A. Barnard
Ocean Optics XXI Conference

Seasonality of surface chlorophyll concentration: a proxy to characterize phytoplankton trophic regimes

David Antoine , M. Ribera d'Alcala , E. Martinez , F. d'Ortenzio
Proceedings from Ocean Optics XIX Conference 2008

Decadal changes in the chlorophyll seasonal cycles regional covariability with sea surface temperature and mixed layer depth

David Antoine , E. Martinez , C. de Boyer Montégut , F. d'Ortenzio
Proceedings from ASLO Aquatice Sciences Meeting 2009

Global analysis of concurrent decadal changes in the world ocean phytoplankton and their forcing variables (SST, wind, irradiance)

David Antoine , E. Martinez , F. d'Ortenzio
Proceedings form the AGU-ASLO-IUGG Ocean Sciences Meeting 2008

Measurement of the underwater radiance distribution: First results from a new radiance camera

A. Morel , B. Fougnie , J. Buis , E. Leymarie
Ocean Optics XX Conference 2010

GlobColour - the European Service for Ocean Colour

S. Maritorena , G. Barrot , A. Morel , O. Fanton d'Andon
international geoscience and remote sensing symposium

Comparisons between in situ backscattering measurements and inversion products using an optical time series

P. Gernez , V. Vellucci , David Antoine
Proceedings from ASLO Aquatice Sciences Meeting 2009

Decadal variability of phytoplankton seasonal cycles in the Northern Hemisphere, as related to mixed-layer depth changes

David Antoine , E. Martinez , C. de Boyer Montégut , F. D'Ortenzio
Proceedings from 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting

Changes in phytoplankton groups composition in the Equatorial Pacific during ENSO cycles

I. Masotti , L. Bopp , A. Tagliabue , C. Moulin
Proceedings from 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting

MERIS vicarious adjustment in the near infra red and visible

S. Delwart , P. Goryl , M. Ondrusek , David Antoine
Ocean Optics XX Conference 2010

Evaluation of particulate backscattering inversion Algorithms in clear oceanic case 1 waters

S. Maritorena , A. Morel , D. Dessailly , N. Nelson
Ocean Optics XXI Conference

Moose: An integrated multi-site system of NW Mediterranean marine and atmospheric observatories

L. Petit de la Villeon , L. Beguery , P. Fraunie , J. Lellouche
Proceedings from ASLO Aquatice Sciences Meeting 2009

Covariability of chlorophyll and sea surface temperature at global and decadal scales

E. Martinez , F. d'Ortenzio , David Antoine
Proceedings from Ocean Optics XIX Conference 2008

Ten year achievements of the BOUSSOLE bio-optics time series project

B. Gentili , P. Gernez , J. Ras , V. Vellucci
Proceedings Oceans from Space 2010 Symposium

Absorption properties of particulate matter in the western mediterranean sea

V. Vellucci , David Antoine , M. Ribera d'Alcala
Proceedings from Ocean Optics XIX Conference 2008