How satisfaction with work commute differs among Sweden, Netherland and Japan?

Satoshi Fujii , Margareta Friman , E Lars Olsson , Haruna Suzuki
The 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 29-31. .

Household Time Allocation and Interaction: Comparison of Households with and Without Young Children

Joyce Soo , Dick Ettema , Junyi Zhang
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Temporal Relationships in the Dynamics of Residential, Employment, and Car Ownership Decisions

Abu Toasin Oakil , Pieter Hooimeijer , Theo Arentze , Harry Timmermans
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Commuters’ Choice-Behavior with Rewards for Avoiding Peak-Hour Driving

Dick Ettema , Eran Ben-Elia
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Dynamics in Car Ownership and Life-Cycle Events: A Longitudinal Analysis

Abu Toasin Oakil , Harry J P Timmermans , Dick Ettema , Theo A Arentze
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

The Effect of Telecommuting on Residential Location Decisions

Henk Ottens , Saim Muhammad , Dick Ettema , Tom de Jong
Transportation Research Board 86th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Life Satisfaction and Satisfaction with the Work Commute

Satoshi Fujii , Margareta Friman , E Lars Olsson , Dick Ettema
The 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, 29-31st August 2012, Groningen, TheNetherlands

The effect of activities on the move on travel satisfaction of public tranport commuters

Satoshi Fujii , Margareta Friman , Dick Ettema , Tommy Gärling
Symposium on travel time use, value and experience. University of the West of England's Centre for Transport and Society, Bristol, England May 17th, 2011

Evaluating Effects of Location Attributes on Office Firm Start-Up

Theo A Arentze , Harry J P Timmermans , Gustavo G Manzato , Dick Ettema
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Activity Fragmentation, ICT, and Travel: Unraveling Interrelationships with Structural Equation Models

Eran Ben-Elia , Bayarma Alexander , Dick Ettema
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Activity-Based Approaches to Travel Analysis

Dick Ettema , H. J. P. Timmermans

Towards a Theory of the Invention-Behavior Relationship with Implications for the Prediction of Travel Behavior. Volume 1: Travel Behavior

Robert Gillholm , Marcus Selart , Dick Ettema , Tommy Garling
World Transport Research. Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Transport ResearchWorld Conference on Transport Research Society

Tradable Driving Rights: New behavioral approaches to investigate a new travel demand tool?

Martin Dijst , Nico Dogterom , Dick Ettema
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Spending Time on the Move: A Comparison Between Travel Modes

Dick Ettema , Mark van Hagen , Bayarma Alexander
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

Den lyckliga arbetspendlaren

Satoshi Fujii , Margareta Friman , E Lars Olsson , Dick Ettema
Första nationella konferensen i Transportforskning, Stockholm, Sverige, 18-19 oktober.

Behavioural Impacts of Rewards for Avoiding Peak-hour Driving: Analysis of the Dutch Spitsmijden Project

Eran Ben-Elia , Dick Ettema
European Transport Conference, 2009Association for European Transport (AET)

Need-Based Activity Generation and Duration Model: Empirical Tests

Harry J P Timmermans , Dick Ettema , Theo A Arentze
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board

How satisfaction with trip legs affect whole trip satisfaction? : Tests of models for aggregated satisfaction of work commutes

Satoshi Fujii , Margareta Friman , E Lars Olsson , Haruna Suzuki
The 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 29-31.

Fragmentation of Work Activity as Multidimensional Construct and Its Association with Information and Communication Technologies, Employment, and Sociodemographic Characteristics

Martin Dijst , Dick Ettema , Bayarma Alexander
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board