Elena Papale , M Azzolin , I Cascão , A Gannier
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 26 ( 4) 392 -404
E.E. Magnusdottir , M.H. Rasmussen , M.O. Lammers
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 ( 4) 2617 -2617
Sophie LARAN , Manuel CASTELLOTE , Hervé GLOTIN , Frédéric CAUDAL
10ème Séminaire du Réseau National Echouages, Stratégies de suivi de l'état des populations de mammifères marins, 5p 47 358 -368
Marine Fisheries Review 80 ( 3)
Marc Olav Lammers
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
MARC O Lammers , Russell E Brainard , WHITLOW WL Au
Atoll Research Bulletin
Marc O. Lammers , Marian Howe
Pacific Science 75 ( 1) 147 -161
Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir , Marianne H. Rasmussen , Marc O. Lammers , Jörundur Svavarsson
Polar Biology 37 ( 3) 427 -433
Marc O. Lammers
Aquatic Mammals 30 ( 2) 237 -250
Lisa Munger , Sarah Piwetz , Marc O. Lammers , Bernd Würsig
Aquatic Mammals 44 ( 6) 729 -735
Sarah Piwetz , Glenn Gailey , Lisa Munger , Marc O. Lammers
Aquatic Mammals 44 ( 6) 683 -693
Marc O. Lammers , Manuel Castellote
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 ( 5) 3772 -3772
Natalija Lace , Stan A. Kuczaj , Marc O. Lammers
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 ( 5) 3779 -3779
Roland Aubauer , Marc O. Lammers , Whitlow W. L. Au
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 ( 5) 2744 -2749
Marc O. Lammers , Whitlow W. L. Au
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 ( 5) 2334 -2334
Marc O. Lammers , T. Aran Mooney , Russell E. Brainard , Whitlow W. L. Au
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 ( 3) 1908 -1908
Alison K. Stimpert , David N. Wiley , Kira L. Barton , Mark P. Johnson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 ( 3) 1940 -1940
Whitlow W. L. Au , Marc O. Lammers , Alison Stimpert , Michiel Schotten
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 ( 3) 1940 -1940
Marc O. Lammers , Alison K. Stimpert , Whitlow W. L. Au , T. Aran Mooney
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 ( 3) 1940 -1940
Manuel Castellote , Christopher W. Clark , Marc O. Lammers
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28 ( 6) 665 -667