Experimental study and modelling of soil surface crusting processes.

Y. le Bissonnais
Catena, Supplement ( 17) 13 -28

Effects of runoff and erosion on suspended materials in water.

F. Papy , C. Riou , A. Neveu , R. Bonhomme
L'eau dans l'espace rural: production végétale et qualité de l'eau. 265 -279

Long-term soil landscape modelling in a Mediterranean agricultural environment

Y. le Bissonnais , S. Follain , R. Ciampalini
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Division Symposium 1.2 Modelling soil formation in time and space 16 -19

Caracterización micromorfológica de costras sedimentarias desarrolladas en suelos agrícolas en Galicia (NW España)

Antonio Paz González , María Mercedes Taboada Castro , I. Coussin , Y. Le Bissonnais
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular ( 28) 311 -328

Analyse des processus de microfissuration des agrégats à l'humectation

Y. Le Bissonnais
Science du sol 27 ( 2) 187 -199

Rôle des croûtes à cyanobactéries sur les propriétés physiques et biogéochimiques des sols sahéliens au Niger

Y. Le Bissonnais , O. Malam Issa , I. Cousin , C. Defarge
ASF Association des sédimentologistes français 237 -238

Proposal of soil indicators for spatial analysis of carbon stocks evolution

G. De Noni , D. Blavet , Y. Le Bissonnais , J. Asseline
Soil Science: Confronting New Realities in the 21st Century, 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14 - 21 August 2002 ( 1783)

Mecanisms and indicators of soil organic carbon action on soil structure and erodibility

Georges De Noni , Y. Le Bissonnais , C. Chenu , Jean Asseline
Bulletin du Réseau Erosion ( 22) 58 -72

The influence of set-aside plant cover on runoff and interrill erosion on cultivated soil [Pays de Caux, France]

J.F. Ouvry , E. Gallien , H. Benkhadra , L. Ligneau
Cahiers d'Etudes et de Recherches Francophones Agricultures (France)

Long-term soil erosion modelling of a cultivated terraced system in the area of Aksum (Ethiopia), with the support of archaeological data

Y. Le Bissonnais , L. Borselli , P. Billi , S. Follain
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11547

LandSoil, a model for evaluating soil erosion on mid-term agricultural landscape evolution: Sensitivity analysis

Y. Le Bissonnais , B. Cheviron , S. Follain , R. Ciampalini
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11304