Quantification of uncertainty in climate change impact assessment

J.R. Porter , J. Wolf , T.R. Wheeler , M. Hulme
Climate Change, Climatic Variability and Agriculture in Europe 435 -441

Biomass and bioenergy production in organic agriculture: Consequences for soil fertility, environment, spread of animal parasites and socio-economy

Piotr Oleskowicz-Popiel , Per Ambus , Hanne Østergård , A Johansen
1st Nordic Organic Conference

Soil quality: a confusing beacon for sustainability

J E Olesen , J G Cervera , J J Schröder , H F M ten Berge
International Fertiliser Society (IFS) 841

Mitigation of green house gases in European farming systems

Tinne Midtgaard , J R Porter , P Smith , J E Olesen
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 ( 24) 242027

Land use and drainage controls on greenhouse gas emissions from managed peatland

Kirsten Schelde , P-E Lærke , M Lægdsm , C Kjærgaard
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 ( 24) 242038

Nitrous oxide emissions from contrasting organic cropping systems

Ngonidzashe Chirinda , J E Olesen , S O Petersen , J R Porter
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 ( 24) 242012

Forsknings- og udviklingsaktiviteter på området reduceret jordbearbejdning

G. Rasmussen , M.H. Jørgensen , J.E. Olesen , L.J. Munkholm

Review and comparison of scaling-up methods

M. Bindi , J.E. Olesen , T.E. Downing , M.A. Semenov
Climatic Change, Climatic Variability and Agriculture in Europe 393 -414

Legume-based catch crops inprove N-supply without increasing the N2O emission

J.E. Olesen , P. Sørensen , S.O. Petersen , X. Li

Production of biomass and bioenergy in organic agriculture and its consequences for soil quality, environment, biodiversity and socio-economy

Per Ambus , T. Dalgaard , Anne Belinda Thomsen , J.E. Olesen
ALTERNET Workshop : Interlinkage between Biodiversity and Bioenergy

Societal responses for addressing nitrogen fertilizer needs: Balancing food production and environmental concerns

J. Melillo , J.N. Galloway , C.A. Palm , J. Stewart
Agriculture and the nitrogen cycle: assessing the impacts of fertilizer use on food production and the environment 71 -89

WP6 : Current and future emissions of greenhouse gases from Europe

J.E. Olesen , R. Domingues , G. Gaborit , A.R. van Amstel
European Commission DG Research; Final Project Report

[Environmental effects of non-inverting tillage cultivation method]

I. Fomsgaard , B. Melander , B.T. Christensen , E.M. Hansen
DJF Rapport. Markbrug (Denmark)

Mitigation Options in Perspective of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Production on European Dairy Farms

H. Perdok , B. O'Brien , J.L. Fiorelli , C.F.E. Topp
Livestock, Climate Change and Food security, conference abstract book 107 -107

Integrating Adaptation to and Mitigation of Climate Change in intensive Animal Production Systems

A. Van Den Pol Van Dasselaar , J.E. Olesen , F. O Mara , G. Lanigan
Livestock, Climate Change and Food security, conference abstract book 88 -88

Report on adaptation and mitigation options in the showcase farms : Deliverable 10.5

MWJ Stienezen , Ib Sillebak Kristensen , JE Olesen , N Hutchings
Seventh Framework Programme

Emission af drivhusgasser fra dansk landbrug

Jørgen E Olesen , Søren O Petersen , Jørgen Villy Fenhann , JM Andersen
Danmarks Jordbrugsforskning, Forskningscenter Foulum