Ronny Blust , Claude Fortin , Peter G. C. Campbell
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement
Tarja Ikaemonen , Nick A. Beresford , Hildegarde Vandenhove , Astrid Liland
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
Andrea Vlaeminck , Gudrun De Boeck , Ronny Blust , Göran E. Nilsson
The Journal of Experimental Biology 199 ( 7) 1605 -1611
Gilles Lepoint , Paulo Dorneles , Olaf Malm , Joao Torres
Organohalogen compounds 70
Philippe Baret , Jean-Claude Philippart , Johan Coeck , Peter Viaene
Belgian Science Policy
Bert Pecceu , Alexander Van Nuijs , Philippe Jorens , Adrian Covaci
Adrian Covaci , Peter Klaren , Alin Dirtu , Niko Celis
Organohalogen compounds
Bert Pecceu , Alexander van Nuijs , Philippe Jorens , Adrian Covaci
Revue médicale de Liège 63 39 -43
Dries Knapen , Luc Van Nassauw , Leela Rani Avula , Ronny Blust
The FASEB Journal 24
Isabelle Sioen , A. Covaci , S. Voorspoels , P.G. Jorens
SEETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting
Adrian Covaci , Liesbeth Weijs , Alin C. Dirtu , Hugo Neels
Organohalogen compounds 70 821 -824
Peter Reijnders , Adrian Covaci , Liesbeth Weijs , Adriana Gheorghe
Organohalogen compounds 69 825 -828
Caroline Vanparys , Koen Deprez , Ronny Blust , Elke Theeuwes
Proceedings Innovation for sustainable production - conference 2: Sustainable Chemistry 17 51 -54
Gerlinde Van Thuyne , Evy Van Ael , Lieven Bervoets , Ronny Blust
23rd SETAC Europe Annual Meeting
Adrian Covaci , Dries Knapen , Walid Maho , Ronny Blust
SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting
Lieven Bervoets , Ronny Blust , Claude Belpaire , L. Teunen
15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
Lieven Bervoets , Ronny Blust , Claude Belpaire , Bart Slootmaekers
SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting: "Environmental Quality Through Transdisciplinary Collaboration"
Freddy Dardenne , Sanaz Pilehvar , Ronny Blust , Karolien De Wael
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7 ( 6) 5000 -5011
Helmut Segner , Daniel Bernet , Mark Cronin , Ronny Blust
Caroline Vanparys , Eddy Esmans , Bart Naudts , Wim de Coen
Proceedings of the INVITOX2004 Meeting, Warsaw, Poland