Ryohei Natatsu , Makoto Tadenuma , Tadao Maekawa
acm multimedia 358 -364
Rhyohei Nakatsu
acm multimedia 2 -9
Ulf Witkowski , Joaquin Sitte , Thomas Braunl , Prahlad Vadakkepat
Xuan Wang , Ryohei Nakatsu
International Journal of Philosophy 2
John M. Hollerbach , Hiroo Iwata , Thomas Massie , James F. Kramer
ieee virtual reality conference 241
Liyanage C De Silva , Tsutomu Miyasato , Ryohei Nakatsu ,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 81 ( 1) 105 -114
Ryohei Nakatsu , Naoko Tosa
eurographics 24 ( 1) 53 -58
Ryohei Nakatsu
物性研究 94 ( 1) 130 -130
Satoshi Miki , Hiroshi Hamada , Ryohei Nakatsu
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 76 ( 3) 352 -359
Ryohei Nakatsu
Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Game research and development 11 -12
Tsutomu Miyasato , Toshiaki Sugihara , Ryohei Nakatsu
IEICE Transactions on Electronics 82 ( 10) 1814 -1822
Thanassis Tiropanis , Ryohei Nakatsu , Kevin Wong , Sofia Tsekeridou
The Association of Computing Machinery, Inc.
Ryohei Nakatsu
Culture and computing 137 -146
Hiroki Nishino , Naotoshi Osaka , Ryohei Nakatsu
international computer music conference 2014
Hiroki Nishino , Naotoshi Osaka , Ryohei Nakatsu
international computer music conference 2013
Hiroki Nishino , Naotoshi Osaka , Ryohei Nakatsu
international computer music conference 2013
Akitsugu Iwatani , Kuniya Shinozaki , Ryohei Nakatsu
Transactions on edutainment I 1 86 -95
Junichi Hoshino , Ryohei Nakatsu
Hajime Sakamoto , Kuniya Shinozaki , Takaho Tanaka , Ryohei Nakatsu
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Shiro Takata , Tatsuya Kawahara , Ryohei Nakatsu , Ikuo Harada
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conserence of JSAI, 2002 72 -72