Some investigations about the tensile strength and the desiccation process of unsaturated clay

H. Trabelsi , M. Jamei , H. Guiras , Z. Hatem
European Physical Journal-special Topics 6 12005

Meteorización de los lodos piríticos de Aznalcóllar

M. Fernández , C. Domènech , Maarten W. Saaltink , Esther López-Montalvo
Boletín geológico y minero 112 ( 1) 137 -162

Análisis del comportamiento de terraplenes conformados con materiales potencialmente expansivos

Antonio Lloret Morancho , J.I. Ortega , Enrique Edgar Romero Morales , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
Libro de resúmenes: 3as Jornadas hispano-portuguesas sobre geotecnia en infraestructuras ferroviarias, Madrid, 25 y 26 de junio de 2009 1 -9

An elastoplastic model for the THM analysis of freezing soils

Nishimura Satoshi , Antonio Gens Solé , Richard Jardine , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
X International Conference on Computational Plasticity 1 -4

Impacts of cold CO2 injection in deep saline aquifers on the rock mechanical integrity.

Víctor Vilarrasa Riaño , Orlando Silva , Jesús Carrera Ramírez , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
Proceedings of the 47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 514 -520

Geotecnia : problemas resueltos : mecánica de suelos

Alejandro Josa Garcia-Tornel , Francisco Javier Valencia Vera , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
Edicions UPC

THMC analysis of saturation and heating processes of an expansive clay barrier in radioactive waste isolation

L do N Guimarães , A Gens , M Sánchez , S Olivella
Fifth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 1389 -1393

Reinventing civil engineering studies in Spain to face new challenges

José Turmo Coderque , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé , Lidia Ruiz Ripoll , José Antonio Lozano Galant
2nd EUCEET Association Conference. Civil Engineering Education: Are We Meeting the Needs of the Industry and Society. Conference book 19 -23

Numerical analysis of the behaviour of embankments constructed with expansive soils

J.J. Ortega , Enrique Edgar Romero Morales , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé , Antonio Lloret Morancho
Fifth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 1331 -1336

Modelling 3D mechanical interfaces with continuum elements

Alejandro Josa Garcia-Tornel , Ivan Puig Damians , Richard Bathurst , Antonio Lloret Morancho
5th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT 1 -4

Rapid drawdown and landslides

NM Pinyol , EE Alonso , S Olivella
Landslides and engineered slopes: protecting society through improved understanding 529 -535

A study of the effects of suction and roughness on the mechanical behaviour of rock joints

Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Agreda , Maria Teresa Zandarín , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
Computational Geomechanics 1 -9

Coupled THMC analysis in porous media

Antonio Gens Solé , Leonardo do N Guimarães , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé ,
MPPS 2011: a tribute to pro Olivier Coussy: Symposium on mechanics and physics of porous solids 241 -260

A multi-disciplinary approach to assess the impact of global climate change on infrastructure in cold regions

Ralf Toumi , Catherine Reifen , Nishimura Satoshi , Antonio Gens Solé
9th International Conference on Permafrost 279 -284

Environmental effects on earth embankments

Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Agreda , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
CRC Press 179 -187

CO2 injection in deep saline sloping aquifers through a vertical well

Víctor Vilarrasa Riaño , Jesús Carrera Ramírez , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
3rd Workshop of CODE-BRIGHT Users 1 -4

Thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling of geologic carbon storage

Víctor Vilarrasa , Jesús Carrera Ramírez , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (1st:: 2015: Barcelona)

Influence of suction on the mechanical behaviour of rock joints under shear loading

Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Agreda , Maria Teresa Zandarín , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
Unsaturated soils 1483 -1488

Extension of CODE_BRIGHT to simulate non-isothermal CO2 injection in deep saline aquifers

Víctor Vilarrasa Riaño , Orlando Enrique Silva Rojas , Jesús Carrera Ramírez , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
4th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT Users 1 -4

Coupled THMC modeling of unsaturated swelling clays: constitutive formulation and boundary value problems

Leonardo do N Guimarães , Antonio Gens Solé , Marcelo Sánchez , Sebastià Olivella Pastallé
4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils 515 -529