Jeffrey Podos , Andrew P. Hendry , Eldredge Bermingham , Luis Fernando De León
Evolutionary Ecology Research 14 ( 4) 365 -380
Craig Moritz , Christopher W. Dick , Eldredge Bermingham
Tropical rainforests: past, present and future.
Oscar Puebla , Owen McMillan , Edgardo Ochoa , Eldredge Bermingham
In: Diving for Science 2011. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 30th Symposium. , ed. by Pollock, N. W. AAUS, Dauphin Island, AL, pp. 77-79.
Eldredge Bermingham , Connie J. Kolman
Genetics 147 ( 3) 1289 -1302
Nyamkhishig Sambuughin , Eldredge Bermingham , Connie J. Kolman
Genetics 142 ( 4) 1321 -1334
Eldredge Bermingham , Sievert Rohwer , Christopher Wood
The Condor 102 ( 3) 713 -718
Robert E. Ricklefs , Eldredge Bermingham , Jeffrey S. Hunt
The Auk 118 ( 1) 35 -55
Irby J. Lovette , Irby J. Lovette , Eldredge Bermingham
The Auk 118 ( 1) 211 -215
Eldredge Bermingham , Fernando Alda
2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte
Chris D Jiggins , Eldredge Bermingham , Camilo A Salazar , Christian Salcedo
Nature 592 ( 7852)
Eldredge Bermingham , John C Avise
Genetics 113 ( 4) 939 -965
Robert E. Ricklefs , Sylvia M. Fallon , Eldredge Bermingham
Systematic Biology 53 ( 1) 111 -119
Sophie Picq , Fernando Alda , Eldredge Bermingham , Rüdiger Krahe
Evolution 70 ( 9) 2134 -2144
F Andrew Jones , David L Erickson , Moises A Bernal , Eldredge Bermingham
PLoS ONE 6 ( 9) e24506
Irby J. Lovette , Eldredge Bermingham , Gilles Seutin , Robert E. Ricklefs
The Auk 115 ( 4) 890 -903
Robert Ricklefs , Eldredge Bermingham
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 363 ( 1502) 2393 -2413
Luis Fernando de León , Eldredge Bermingham , Jeffrey Podos , Andrew P. Hendry
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365 ( 1543) 1041 -1052
Eva Bellemain , Eldredge Bermingham , Robert E Ricklefs
BMC Evolutionary Biology 8 ( 1) 240 -240
Nathalia Giraldo , Camilo Salazar , Chris D Jiggins , Eldredge Bermingham
BMC Evolutionary Biology 8 ( 1) 324 -324
Ivania Cerón-Souza , Eldredge Bermingham , William McMillan , Frank Jones
BMC Evolutionary Biology 12 ( 1) 205 -205