L.P. Hariri , D.C. Adams , B.W. Roop , A. Muniappan
D.C. Adams
international symposium on software reliability engineering 152 -156
K. Anglin , D.C. Adams , T. Ribaudo , D. Wasserman
conference on lasers and electro-optics 1 -2
L.P. Hariri , S. Nandy , B.W. Roop , D.C. Adams
R.G. Emerson , D.C. Adams , E.J. Heyer
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 87 ( 2)
D.C. Adams , S. Thongrattanasiri , V. Podolskiy , D. Wasserman
conference on lasers and electro optics 1 -2
D.C. Adams , K.C. Miller , H. Kargι
Tectonophysics 271 ( 1) 59 -74
M.C. Stockton , D.C. Adams , R.K. Wilson , T.J. Klopfenstein
The Professional Animal Scientist 23 ( 5) 500 -508
D.C. Adams
M.J. Anderson , D.C. Adams , R.C. Lamb , J.L. Walters
Journal of Dairy Science 62 ( 7) 1098 -1103
L.R. Sprott , G.E. Selk , D.C. Adams
The Professional Animal Scientist 17 ( 4) 238 -246
A. Gomes da Silva , D.C. Adams , R.N. Funston
The Professional Animal Scientist 32 ( 2) 243 -247
W.A. Griffin Pas , L.A. Stalker , D.C. Adams , R.N. Funston
The Professional Animal Scientist 28 ( 3) 249 -259
W.A. Griffin Pas , L.A. Stalker , M.C. Stockton , D.C. Adams
The Professional Animal Scientist 28 ( 3) 260 -271
T.L. Meyer , L.A. Stalker , J.D. Volesky , D.C. Adams
The Professional Animal Scientist 28 ( 6) 664 -669
J.A. Musgrave , L.A. Stalker , D.C. Adams , A. Applegarth
The Professional Animal Scientist 27 ( 5) 467 -471
W.A. Griffin , D.C. Adams , R.N. Funston
The Professional Animal Scientist 25 ( 2) 145 -149
L.A. Stalker , D.C. Adams , T.J. Klopfenstein
The Professional Animal Scientist 25 ( 3) 289 -295