Saana Isojunno , Charlotte Curé , Petter Helgevold Kvadsheim , Frans‐Peter Alexander Lam
Ecological Applications 26 ( 1) 77 -93
M Biuw , Benjamin Benti , Patrick James O'Malley Miller , Charlotte Curé
Kaldfjorden Workshop
Patrick J.O Miller , David E Bain
Animal Behaviour 60 ( 5) 617 -628
Anna E Nousek , Peter J.B Slater , Chao Wang , Patrick J.O Miller
Biology Letters 2 ( 4) 481 -484
Andrew D Foote , Rachael M Griffin , David Howitt , Lisa Larsson
Biology Letters 2 ( 4) 509 -512
Katsufumi Sato , Yutaka Watanuki , Akinori Takahashi , Patrick J.O Miller
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 ( 1609) 471 -477
VE Warren , PJO Miller , PL Tyack
Marine Ecology Progress Series 645 219 -234
B Benti , PJO Miller , M Biuw , C Curé
Marine Ecology Progress Series 660 217 -232
C Curé , S Isojunno , F Visser , PJ Wensveen
Endangered Species Research 31 ( 1) 89 -102
BL Southall , DP Nowacek , PJO Miller , PL Tyack
Endangered Species Research 31 293 -315
C Curé , LD Sivle , F Visser , PJ Wensveen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 526 267 -282
LD Sivle , PJ Wensveen , PH Kvadsheim , FPA Lam
Marine Ecology Progress Series 562 211 -220
PJO Miller , N Biassoni , A Samuels , PL Tyack
Nature 405 ( 6789) 903 -903
KY Woo , Saana Isojunno , PJO Miller
Marine Ecology Progress Series 718 119 -136
CM Harris , D Sadykova , SL DeRuiter , PL Tyack
AM von Benda-Beckmann , PJ Wensveen , PH Kvadsheim , FPA Lam
3rd International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Budapest, Hungary, 11-16 August, 2013
FPA Lam , PH Kvadsheim , PJO Miller , PL Tyack
3rd International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Budapest, Hungary, 11-16 August, 2013
FIP Samarra , SB Tavares , PJO Miller , GA Víkingsson
PJO Miller , PH Kvadsheim , FPA Lam , PL Tyack
C., DeRuiter, SL, Kleivane, L., Sivle, DL, van IJsselmuide, SP, Visser, F. et al
FIP Samarra , SB Tavares , PJO Miller , GA Víkingsson
Report of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute 5 2017 -2017