Review of applied-statistical methods for flood-frequency analysis in Europe

A Castellarin , S Kohnová , L Gaál , A Fleig
NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Reliability of Probabilistic Regional Envelope Curves

B. Merz , A. H. Thieken , A. Castellarin , B. Guse
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 4838

Drainage density and flood statistics: are they related?

B. Pallard , A. Castellarin , A. Montanari
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11736

Pan-European flood frequency distributions and hydrological controls (solicited)

JL Salinas , A Castellarin , S Kohnová , Thomas R Kjeldsen
European geosciences union general assembly

Performance of topological and canonical kriging to traditional methods for design-flood prediction in ungauged basins in the southeast United States

A. Pugliese , J. O. Skoien , A. Castellarin , S. A. Archfield
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 10883

A collection of R-tools for constructing Probabilistic Envelope Curves for hydrological extremes

A. Castellarin , B. Guse
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11655

Prediction of regional flow duration curves: geostatistical techniques versus multivariate regression

A. Pugliese , S. A. Archfield , R. M. Vogel , A. Castellarin
2015 AGU Fall Meeting 2015

Uncertainty assessment in the regionalisation of hydrological signatures

I. Westerberg , H. K. McMillan , T. Wagener , A. Castellarin
2014 AGU Fall Meeting 2014

Assessing the Reliability of Regional Depth-Duration-Frequency Equations for Gauged and Ungauged Sites

A. Brath , A. Castellarin , A. Montanari
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2002

Regional estimation of extreme rainfall using generalised DDF equations

A. Castellarin
EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 11964

A maximum likelihood approach to jointly estimating seasonal and annual flood frequency distributions

E. Baratti , A. Viglione , A. Castellarin , G. Blöschl
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11573

Impact of Alternative Environmental Flow Prescriptions on Hydropower Production and Fish Habitat Suitability

S. Ceola , A. Castellarin , A. Pugliese , G. A. Galeati
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015

On The Problem of Parameter Estimation In Shal- Low Water Equations

J. M. Hervouet , P. Ercoli , A. Castellarin , A. Brath
EGSGA 6659

Effects of Land-use Changes On Soils' Vulnerability To Gross Erosion

A. Brath , A. Castellarin , A. Montanari
EGSGA 6491

Heavy Tail Behavior of Rainfall Extremes across Germany

A. Castellarin , B. Merz , H. Kreibich , S. Vorogushyn
AGUFM 2017