Ghost forests of Marco Island: Mangrove mortality driven by belowground soil structural shifts during tidal hydrologic alteration

K.W. Krauss , A.W.J. Demopoulos , N. Cormier , A.S. From
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 212 51 -62

Coastal wetland responses to climate change: the influence of temperature and rainfall

Michael J Osland , Christopher A Gabler , Richard H Day , James B Grace
24th Biennial CERF Conference

Framework for Facilitating Mangrove Recovery after Hurricanes on Caribbean Islands

Ken W Krauss , Kevin RT Whelan , John Paul Kennedy , Daniel A Friess
Restoration Ecology e13885 -e13885

The Role of the Upper Tidal Estuary in Wetland Blue Carbon Storage and Flux

Ken W Krauss , Gregory B Noe , Jamie A Duberstein , William H Conner
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 ( 5) 817 -839

Tidal freshwater swamps of the southeastern United States: effects of land use, hurricanes, sea-level rise, and climate change

William H Conner , Thomas W Doyle , Ken W Krauss , Thomas W Doyle
Ecology of tidal freshwater forested wetlands of the southeastern United States 1 -28

Potential for carbon and nitrogen sequestration by restoring tidal connectivity and enhancing soil surface elevations in denuded and degraded south Florida mangrove ecosystems

Nicole Cormier , Ken W Krauss , Amanda WJ Demopoulos , Brita J Jessen
Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management 143 -158

Hydrology of coastal freshwater forested wetlands of Louisiana: the role of tides

Richard H Day , Andrew S From , Ken W Krauss
2019 CERF Biennial Conference

Long term effects of saltwater on productivity of tide-influenced baldcypress forests in coastal Louisiana, USA

Richard H Day , Andrew S From , Ken W Krauss , Nicole Cormier
24th Biennial CERF Conference

Ghosts of Marco Island: Hydrological Isolation, blocked transgression, and mangrove mortality in Southwest Florida

Ken W Krauss , Amanda WJ Demopoulos , Nicole Cormier , Robin R Lewis
24th Biennial CERF Conference

Interactive Effects of Salinity and Hydrology on Radial Growth of Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) in Coastal Louisiana, USA

Richard H Day , Andrew S From , Darren J Johnson , Ken W Krauss
Forests 15 ( 7) 1258 -1258

Surface elevation dynamics in a marsh-to-mangrove transition zone: vulnerability to sea-level rise

Rebecca J Howard , Larry Allain , Andrew S From
24th Biennial CERF Conference