Etudes optiques et cristallographiques de transitions de phases photo-induites: états stationnaires et dynamiques ultrarapides

Marina Servol , Marylise Buron-Le Cointe , Roman Bertoni , Eric Collet
Réunion GDR MICO

Out of equilibrium coherent precursor dynamics of a photo-induced phase transition in molecular material of (EDO-TTF)SbF

M. Maesato , Marina Servol , H. Yamochi , Wawrzyniec Kaszub
4th International Conference on Molecular Materials MOLMAT 2010

Ultrafast X-ray science for investigating photoswitching dynamics in molecular materials

Eric Collet
European congress and exhibition on advanced materials and processes

Elastic coupling in spin-crossover materials: from Devil’s staircase to cooperative photoswitching

Eric Collet
Phase transition and Dynamical properties of Spin Transition Materials: PDSTM2016

Photoinduced spin-state switching driven by a femtosecond laser flash and its out of equilibrium dy

Eric Collet
International Conference on Photo-Induced Phase Transitions and Cooperative Phenomena (PIPT2008)

Ultrafast photoinduced phase transition in magnetic molecular solids

Eric Collet
6th International conference on Photoinduced Phase transitions

Observation of the structural and optical multiscale dynamics in a spin-crossover crystals

Wawrzyniec Kaszub , Marylise Buron-Le Cointe , Eric Collet , Maciej Lorenc
Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics (WOREN)

Forced Structural Dynamics of Photoinduced Transformation in Molecular Materials

Marina Servol , Marylise Buron-Le Cointe , Eric Collet , Maciej Lorenc
Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials

Broken symmetries in spin-crossover materials: spin-state ordering vs structural ordering

N. Bréfuel , Loïc Toupet , Eric Collet , Jean-Pierre Tuchagues
International School and Symposium on Multifunctional Molecule-based Materials

Structural and optical fingerprints of spin-crossover in a single crystal of [(TPA)Fe(III)(TCC)]PF6

Wawrzyniec Kaszub , Marylise Buron-Le Cointe , Eric Collet , R. Naskrecki
1st International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics

Photoinduced molecular switching

Eric Collet
Danish Crystallography Meeting

Early steps of the ultrafast photoinduced transformation in the 1D molecular crystal (EDO-TTF)2SbF6

M. Maesato , Marina Servol , H. Yamochi , Wawrzyniec Kaszub
EXCON2012 : 10th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Nanostructured and Molecular Materials

Probing consecutive steps of photoinduced switching dynamics by time-resolved optical and x-ray diffraction techniques

Marina Servol , Marylise Buron-Le Cointe , Eric Collet , N. Moisan
2nd International Conference on Transient Chemical Structures in Dense Media

100 fs crystallography in molecular solids

Eric Collet
X-FEL Workshop

Controlling materials with photons: real-time watching of photoinduced phase transition

Eric Collet ,
Photon Science Seminar, X-FEL Linac Coherent Light Source SLAC

New light on photoinduced transition in Molecular Solids: X-ray and Optical Pump-Probe technics

Marina Servol , Marylise Buron-Le Cointe , Eric Collet , Maciej Lorenc
Mini-symposium Ultrafast molecular dynamics in condensed phase