Carlo Antonio Zaniolo
University of California, Los Angeles
CARLO Zaniolo
Carlo Zaniolo
Handbook of data mining and knowledge discovery 85 -89
Carlo Zaniolo , V. S. Subrahmanian
international conference on lightning protection 233 -247
Dino Pedreschi , Fosca Giannotti , Carlo Zaniolo , Luca Corciulo
Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming 27 -40
Carlo Zaniolo
very large data bases 458 -469
Letizia Tanca , Carlo Zaniolo , Carlo A. Curino , Hyun J. Moon
international conference on enterprise information systems 323 -332
Carlo Zaniolo , Chang Luo , Y Law , Haixun Wang
SEBD 5 -20
Carlo Zaniolo , Ravi Krishnamurthy
IEEE Data(base) Engineering Bulletin 9 2 -9
Carlo Zaniolo
Expert Database Conf. 237 -252
Carlo Zaniolo , Shi Gao
TaPP'12 Proceedings of the 4th USENIX conference on Theory and Practice of Provenance 11 -11
Carlo Zaniolo , Haixun Wang
DMDW 1 -2
Carlo Zaniolo , Shamim A. Naqvi , Ravi Krishnamurthy
NACLP 795 -815
Carlo Zaniolo , Cindy Xinmin Chen
DDLP 113 -126
Carlo Zaniolo , Domenico Saccà , Sergio Greco
international conference on logic programming 575 -589
Carlo Zaniolo , Danette Chimenti , Ravi Krishnamurthy , Shalom Tsur
IEEE Data(base) Engineering Bulletin 10 52 -62
Carlo Zaniolo , Ravi Krishnamurthy
XP7.52 Workshop on Database Theory
Carlo Zaniolo , Reza Sadri
Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming 13 -26
Vassilis J. Tsotras , Carlo Zaniolo , Shu-Yao Chien
very large data bases 291 -300