Wolfgang Kellerer , Rüdiger Schollmeier , Stefan Zöls
proceedings of GI/ITG-Workshop "Peer-to-Peer-Systeme & Anwendungen" in conjunction with KiVS 2005 215 -218
Wolfgang Kellerer , Roberto Francescangeli , Salman Abdul Baset , Volker Hilt
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Wolfgang Kellerer , Wojciech Galuba , Marcin Poturalski , Panos Papadimitratos
Wolfgang Kellerer , Wojciech Galuba , Karl Aberer , Zoran Despotovic
databases, information systems, and peer-to-peer computing
Wolfgang Kellerer , Rüdiger Schollmeier
Michael Jarschel , Wolfgang Kellerer , Marc Barisch , Dan Jurca
Electronic Communication of The European Association of Software Science and Technology 37
Wolfgang Kellerer , Wojciech Galuba , Karl Aberer , Zoran Despotovic
workshop on online social networks 3 -3
Wolfgang Kellerer , Thomas Magedanz
Praxis Der Informationsverarbeitung Und Kommunikation 33 ( 1) 1 -2
Wolfgang Kellerer , Achim Autenrieth , Thomas Szyrkowiec , Pawel Kostecki
optical network design and modelling 264 -268
Wolfgang Kellerer , Wojciech Galuba , Karl Aberer , Zoran Despotovic
international conference on network protocols
Wolfgang Kellerer , Srisakul Thakolsri , Ron Shacham , Henning Schulzrinne
RFC 5631 1 -35
Michael Jarschel , Thomas Zinner , Tobias Hoßfeld , Phuoc Tran-Gia
Alexander Vilbig , Klaus Bergner , Carsten Jacobi , Andreas Rausch
Wolfgang Kellerer , Mikhail Vilgelm
Wolfgang Kellerer , Raphael Durner
ACM CoNEXT 2015 - Student Workshop
Wolfgang Kellerer , Patrick van der Smagt , Andreas Blenk , Patrick Kalmbach
conference on network and service management 10 -18
Wolfgang Kellerer , Amaury Van Bemten
Wolfgang Kellerer , Andreas Blenk
ACM CoNEXT 2013 - Student Workshop
Wolfgang Kellerer , Arsany Basta , Andreas Blenk , Patrick Kalmbach
48th Meeting of the VDE/ITG Section 5.2.4 "IP and Mobility" - 5G System Architecture