R Marnetto , M Dolce
Proceedings of the U.S.-Italy Workshop on Seismic Protective Systems for BridgesMultidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo University, NY; Federal Highway Administration; the National Group for Defense Against Earthquakes of the Italian National Research Council
D Liberatore , C Bonuccelli , G Traini , M Dolce
Proceedings of the U.S.-Italy Workshop on Seismic Protective Systems for BridgesMultidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo University, NY; Federal Highway Administration; the National Group for Defense Against Earthquakes of the Italian National Research Council
C Villatico , M Dolce
M Dolce , C Villatico
D Anzi , F Braga , FC Ponzo , Adam J Crewe
European Earthquake Engineering 27 -39
M Dolce
L' Industria delle costruzioni 25 ( 242) 44 -57
Angelo Masi , Marco Vona , M Ferrini , M Dolce
D Cardone , M Dolce
CRC Press
M Di Ludovico , A Santoro , G De Martino , C Moroni
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 60 ( 2)
M Di Ludovico , G De Martino , A Prota , G Manfredi
Springer International Publishing 65 -84
Maurizio Piazza , Paolo Zanon , Cristiano Loss , G Manfredi
The state of Earthquake Engineering Research in Italy: the ReLUIS‑DPC 2013 143 -172
A Masi , G Santarsiero , L Chiauzzi , A Digrisolo
Proceedings of GNGTS 2016 conference, Lecce 22 -24
M Dolce , B Borzi , F da Porto , M Faravelli
XVIII Italian conference on earthquake engineering (ANIDIS). Ascoli Piceno (Italy) 15 -19
D Di Bucci , C Casarotti , C Morsut , M Polese
C Del Vecchio , R Frascadore , C Menna , GM Mauro
Procs. of the 17th. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan
C Del Vecchio , M Di Ludovico , A Balsamo , G Manfredi
Structural 235
I Antoncecchi , F Ciccone , G Dialuce , S Grandi
Report integrato di fine progetto
M Di Ludovico , R Fico , S Provenzano , A Mannella
17th Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 17WCEE, Sendao, Japan
R Fico , G De Martino , A Marra , D Pecci
XVIII Convegno Anidis, L’Ingeneria Sismica in Italia, Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2593 -2609
M Di Ludovico , G De Martino , A Santoro , C Moroni