Dan Roth , Steve Hanneke
Alla Rozovskaya , Dan Roth , Mark Sammons , Joshua Gioja
natural language generation 263 -266
Ezra Daya , Shuly Wintner , Dan Roth
empirical methods in natural language processing 357 -364
Huizhong Duan , Dan Roth , ChengXiang Zhai , Yanen Li
empirical methods in natural language processing 1511 -1521
Paul Morie , Chad M. Cumby , Wen-tau Yih , Dan Roth
text retrieval conference
Chad M. Cumby , Dan Roth , Jeff L. Rosen , Andrew J. Carlson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lev Ratinov , Dan Roth
empirical methods in natural language processing 1234 -1244
Chad Cumby , Dan Roth
principles of knowledge representation and reasoning 425 -434
Dan Roth , Yuancheng Tu
meeting of the association for computational linguistics 31 -39
Michael Connor , Dan Roth , Ming-Wei Chang
empirical methods in natural language processing 767 -777
Rajhans Samdani , Dan Roth , Ming-Wei Chang
north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics 688 -698
Alla Rozovskaya , Dan Roth
north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics 154 -162
Eyal Amir , Dan Roth , Rodrigo de Salvo Braz
Dan Roth , AnHai Doan , Xin Li
Dan Roth , Jeff Pasternack
Patricia Hswe , Lev Ratinov , Dan Roth , Larry Jackson
Journal of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science 1 ( 2)
Vasin Punyakanok , Wen-Tau Yih , Dan Roth , Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm
text retrieval conference 539 -548
Julia Hockenmaier , Nikhil Johri , Dan Roth , Yuancheng Tu
international conference on computational linguistics 1265 -1273
Vasin Punyakanok , Wen-tau Yih , Dan Roth
Dan Roth
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign