HOWARD Hamilton , ERGUN Gurak , LEAH Findlater , WAYNE Olive
Available From:. Accessed 18
Leah K Findlater
University of British Columbia
Garth Shoemaker , Jessica Q. Dawson , Kellogg S. Booth , Leah Findlater
graphics interface 231 -238
Kentaro Toyama , Scott Helmer , Ravin Balakrishnan , Leah Findlater
information and communication technologies and development 406 -416
Leah Findlater , Joanna McGrenere
Clint Tseng , Heather Underwood , Richard Anderson , Leah Findlater
Khai N. Truong , Frank Chun Yat Li , Leah Findlater
graphics interface 95 -98
Jonggi Hong , Lee Stearns , Tony Cheng , Jon E Froehlich
graphics interface 195 -200
Jordan Boyd-Graber , Mohit Iyyer , Leah Findlater , Fenfei Guo
Jordan Boyd-Graber , Kevin Seppi , Leah Findlater , Varun Kumar
arXiv: Computation and Language
Meredith Ringel Morris , Amy Hurst , Leah Findlater
conference on computers and accessibility
Dhruv Jain , Jon E. Froehlich , Leah Findlater , Lucy Lu Wang
arXiv: Digital Libraries
Adam Fourney , Meredith Ringel Morris , Leah Findlater , Lotus Zhang
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 1 -21
Leah Findlater , Howard J. Hamilton
intelligent data analysis 7 ( 2) 77 -97
Alison Smith-Renner , Varun Kumar , Jordan Boyd-Graber , Kevin Seppi
intelligent user interfaces 519 -530
Zhaoyuan Ma , Darren Edge , Leah Findlater , Hong Z. Tan
world haptics conference 220 -227
Howard J. Hamilton , Liqiang Geng , Leah Findlater , Dee Jay Randall
Journal of Applied Logic 4 ( 2) 192 -214
Jonggi Hong , Christine Vaing , Hernisa Kacorri , Leah Findlater
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 13 ( 1) 1 -28
Leah Findlater , Steven Goodman , Yuhang Zhao , Shiri Azenkot
ACM Sigaccess Accessibility and Computing 125 ( 125) 1 -1
Leah Findlater , Joanna McGrenere
human factors in computing systems 89 -96