pacific symposium on biocomputing 120 -131
William B. Dolan , Chris Brockett , Chris Quirk
empirical methods in natural language processing 142 -149
Pallavi Choudhury , Chris Quirk , Hisami Suzuki
workshop on advances in text input methods 43 -47
Chris Quirk , Michel Galley
empirical methods in natural language processing 38 -49
Kristina Toutanova , Jason R. Smith , Chris Quirk
north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics 403 -411
Colin Cherry , Chris Quirk , Robert C. Moore
workshop on statistical machine translation 200 -209
Daniel Micol , Jianfeng Gao , Chris Quirk , Xiaolong Li
international conference on computational linguistics 358 -366
Mohit Bansal , Chris Quirk , Robert Moore
meeting of the association for computational linguistics 1308 -1317
Joern Wuebker , Chris Quirk , Mei-Yuh Hwang
workshop on statistical machine translation 460 -467
Daniel Micol , Jianfeng Gao , Chris Quirk , Xu Sun
meeting of the association for computational linguistics 266 -274
Geoffrey Zweig , Michael Auli , Chris Quirk , Michel Galley
empirical methods in natural language processing 1044 -1054
Hal Daumé Iii , Ann Irvine , Chris Quirk
empirical methods in natural language processing 1077 -1088
Ruhi Sarikaya , William B. Dolan , Chris Brockett , Xiaohu Liu
conference of the international speech communication association 3776 -3779
Markus Sidonius Saers , Chris Quirk , Dekai Wu
Machine Translation Summit XIII (MT Summit 2011), Xiamen, China
Arul Menezes , Chris Quirk
Proceedings of the 10th Machine Translation Summit Workshop on Example-Based Machine Translation
Mirella Lapata , Chris Quirk , Li Dong
arXiv: Computation and Language
Chris Quirk , Vighnesh Leonardo Shiv
Chris Quirk , Vighnesh Leonardo Shiv
neural information processing systems 32 12081 -12091
Chris Brockett , Jianfeng Gao , Chris Quirk , Bill Dolan
arXiv: Computation and Language
Jacob Devlin , Chris Quirk , Arul Menezes
empirical methods in natural language processing 256 -260