A Lendasse , John Lee , Vincent Wertz , Michel Verleysen
Neurocomputing 48 ( 1-4) 299 -311
M Hadjili , A Lendasse , V Wertz , S Yurkovich
Control Applications, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on 2 963 -968 vol. 2
A Lendasse , J Lee , E De Bodt , V Wertz
Application to Option Pricing. Université catholique de Louvain
G Simon , A Lendasse , V Wertz , M Verleysen
in Proc. of ESANN
G Simon , A Lendasse , M Verleysen
Computational Methods in Neural Modeling 1040 -1040
Qi Yu , Yoan Miche , A Lendasse , E Séverin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA) 1 -1
A Sorjamaa , A Lendasse
Proc. European Symposium on Time Series Prediction 165 -174
G Gomez , A Lendasse
IFAC safe process
A Lendasse , A Sorjamaa , Y Miche
Time Series Prediction and Chemoinformatics Group. Department of Information and Computer Science
P Cardon , A Lendasse , V Wertz , E De Bodt
ACSEG 2002
N Donckers , A Lendasse , V Wertz , M Verleysen
Proceedings of ESANN 99 21 -23
A Lendasse , A Sorjamaa , Y Miche
Q Yu , E Séverin , A Lendasse
Computational Methods for Modeling and Learning in Social and Human Science, Brest, France
G Gomez , A Lendasse
Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes-SAFEPROCESS 2000
A Lendasse , J Lee , E de Bodt , V Wertz
Kluwer academic publishers 203 -214
A Lendasse , J Lee , E de Bodt , V Wertz
Kluwer academic publishers
A Lendasse , A Sorjamaa , E Séverin
Computational methods for modelling and learning in social and human sciences 193 -200
Emil Eirola , L Kainulainen , A Lendasse , Y Miche
Computational methods for modelling and learning in social and human sciences 181 -192
N Reyhani , A Lendasse
Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2007. ISSPA 2007. 9th International Symposium on 1 -4
A Lendasse , D Francois , V Wertz , M Verleysen
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 ( 7) 1056 -1067