Pieter Abbeel , Andrew Y. Ng , Adam Coates
Encyclopedia of Machine Learning 53 -61
Jeff Kiske , Royce Cheng-Yue , Brody Huval , Mykhaylo Andriluka
arXiv: Robotics
Andrew Y. Ng , Adam Coates , David J. Wu , Tao Wang
international conference on pattern recognition 3304 -3308
Awni Y. Hannun , Andrew Y. Ng , Sanjeev Satheesh , Jared Casper
arXiv: Computation and Language
Andrew Y. Ng , Jiquan Ngiam , Adam Coates , Quoc V. Le
international conference on machine learning 265 -272
Andrej Karpathy , Andrew Y. Ng , Adam Coates
neural information processing systems 25 2681 -2689
Andrew Y. Ng , Adam Coates
neural information processing systems 24 2528 -2536
Andrew Y. Ng , Honglak Lee , Adam Coates
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 15 215 -223
Brody Huval , Ng Andrew , Adam Coates , David Wu
international conference on machine learning 1337 -1345
Pieter Abbeel , Andrew Y. Ng , Morgan Quigley , Adam Coates
neural information processing systems 19 1 -8
Andrew Y. Ng , Adam Coates
international conference on machine learning 921 -928
Yuval Netzer , Andrew Y. Ng , Adam Coates , Alessandro Bissacco
Awni Hannun , Sanjeev Satheesh , Adam Coates , Shubho Sengupta
international conference on machine learning 2024 -2033
Awni Hannun , Andrew Ng , Sanjeev Satheesh , Jared Casper
Eric Battenberg , Sanjeev Satheesh , Adam Coates , Jitong Chen
arXiv: Computation and Language
Awni Hannun , Sanjeev Satheesh , Adam Coates , Shubho Sengupta
Dario Amodei , Sundaram Ananthanarayanan , Rishita Anubhai , Jingliang Bai
arXiv: Computation and Language
Sanjeev Satheesh , Adam Coates , Anuroop Sriram , Heewoo Jun
international conference on learning representations
Sercan O Arik , Mike Chrzanowski , Adam Coates , Gregory Frederick Diamos
international conference on machine learning 195 -204
Pieter Abbeel , Adam Coates , Michael Montemerlo , Andrew Y. Ng
robotics: science and systems 01 289 -296