B. Smyth , G. McElroy
Ulster Medical Journal 62 ( 2) 127 -131
B. Smyth , P. Cunningham
Trinity College Dublin
P. Cunningham , B. Smyth
Trinity College Dublin
Lucy Dunne , P. Walsh , B. Smyth , B. Caulfield
wearable and implantable body sensor networks 203 -207
M. Halvey , M.T. Keane , B. Smyth
web intelligence 636 -640
R. Sterritt , B. Smyth , M. Bradley
engineering of computer based systems 519 -527
T.J. Shields , B. Smyth , K.E. Boyce , G.W.H. Silcock
Facilities 17 ( 9/10) 336 -344
B. Smyth , M.T. Keane , P. Cunningham
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 13 ( 5) 793 -812
C. C. Gay , V. C. Speirs , B. A. Christie , B. Smyth
Equine Veterinary Journal 11 ( 1) 60 -63
S. Brady , L.E. Dunne , R. Tynan , D. Diamond
international symposium on wearable computers 214 -215
Barry Smyt , Elizabeth McKenna
international conference on case based reasoning 343 -357
James Lynch , Evelyn Balfe , Barry J Smyth , Paul Cotter
Nicholas Kushmerick , Barry Smyth , Clodagh Moriarty
DELOS Workshop: Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries
Lorraine McGinty , James Reilly , Derry O'Sullivan , Barry Smyth
international conference on artificial intelligence 809 -815
Mark T. Keane , Barry Smyth , Joseph O'Sullivan
Similarity and Categorization
Michael P. O'Mahony , Barry Smyth , Sandra Garcia Esparza
Paper presented at the 22nd Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS 2011), University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, 31 August - 2 September, 2011
Mark T. Keane , Barry Smyth , Donal Finn
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science
Michael P. O'Mahony , Barry Smyth , Sandra Garcia Esparza
national conference on artificial intelligence
Ruihai Dong , Markus Schaal , Michael P O'Mahony , Barry Smyth
The 23rd Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS 2012), Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 17-19 September, 2012
Nicholas Kushmerick , Barry Smyth , Aidan Finn
DELOS Workshop: Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries