Weikun Zhen , Sam Zeng , Sebastian Soberer
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 6240 -6245
T. H. Zurbuchen , G. Gloeckler , P. Koehn , R. E. Johnson
AGUFM 2004
S. Scherer , D. Ferguson , S. Singh
international conference on robotics and automation 3860 -3865
Arcot Vaibhav , Strabala Kyle , Scherer Sebastian
Shaowu Yang , Sebastian A Scherer , Andreas Zell
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference IAS-13 361 -373
Gerhard Kurz , Sebastian A Scherer , Peter Biber , David Fleer
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 4880 -4887
Shaowu Yang , Sebastian A Scherer , Andreas Zell ,
international conference on robotics and automation 5227 -5232
Shaowu Yang , Sebastian A Scherer , Konstantin Schauwecker , Andreas Zell
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2013 International Conference on 318 - 325
Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes , Sebastian A Scherer , Luiz Ricardo Douat , Martin Voss
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications 102 -113
Lixing Jiang , Andreas Koch , Sebastian A Scherer , Andreas Zell
Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2013 IEEE International Conference on 587 -592
Sebastian Scherer , Sanjiv Singh , Lyle J. Chamberlain , Rudolph Molero
Flavio Lerda , Sebastian Scherer , Edmund M Clarke
international symposium on artificial intelligence 603 49
Chris Urmson , J Andrew Bagnell , Christopher Baker , Martial Hebert
Carnegie Mellon University
Sebastian Scherer , Sanjiban Choudhury , Vishal Dugar
AHS International Forum 73
Daniel Maturana , Sebastian Scherer , Po-Wei Chou
international conference on machine learning 834 -843
Sebastian Scherer , Sam Zeng , Weikun Zhen
Sebastian Scherer , Sanjiban Choudhury , Yanfu Zhang , Wenshan Wang
arXiv: Robotics
Daniel Maturana , Sebastian Scherer , Yanfu Zhang , Wenshan Wang
arXiv: Robotics
Sebastian Scherer , Erdal Kayacan , Efe Camci , Wenshan Wang
arXiv: Robotics
Sebastian Scherer , Shichao Yang
arXiv: Robotics