J.H. Manton , Yinhbo Hua , Yufan Zheng , Cishen Zhang
international conference on acoustics speech and signal processing 4 2369 -2372
Yingbo Hun , M. Nikpour , P. Stoica
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 49 ( 3) 457 -469
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 06 ( 03) 187 -196
Yingbo Hua , Georgios B. Giannakis
Karim Abed-Meraim , Muhammad Z. Ikram , P. Duhamel , Yingbo Hua
european signal processing conference 1 -4
Wanzhi Qiu , Yingbo Hua
information sciences, signal processing and their applications 1 236 -237
Karim Abed-Meraim , Yingbo Hua
european signal processing conference 1 -4
Yingbo Hua , Qi Cheng
information sciences, signal processing and their applications 1 25 -28
Minh H. Pham , Yingbo Hua , G. K. William , Neil B. Gray
1st World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography
Yingbo Hua , K.A. Meraim
information sciences, signal processing and their applications 1 168 -171
Yongfeng Miao , Yingbo Hua
information sciences, signal processing and their applications 2 680 -683
Karim Abed-Meraim , Yong Xiang , Yingbo Hua
international symposium on intelligent signal processing and communication systems 289 -293
Howard Yang , Wanzhi Qui , Yingbo Hua
Control 95: Meeting the Challenge of Asia Pacific Growth; Preprints 277
Yong Xiang , Senjian An , Yingbo Hua
Adaptive Sensor Array Processing. Annual Workshop (11th : 2003 : Lexington, Massachusetts) 1 -6
Yongfeng Miao , Yingbo Hua
international symposium on information theory and its applications 813
Karim Abed-Meraim , Yingbo Hua , Ammar Chkeif
17° Colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images, 1999 ; p. 231-234
Yingbo Hua , Qi Cheng
Control 95: Meeting the Challenge of Asia Pacific Growth; Preprints 301
Yan Mei , Yu Chang , Yingbo Hua
Wireless Communication Technology
Guang Zhu , Yingbo Hua
Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (ed. Hong Yan), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel 528 -563
Georgios B Giannakis , Petre Stoica , Yingbo Hua ,