Yuvraj Agarwal , Stefan Savage , Rajesh Gupta
usenix annual technical conference 22 -22
Matt Fredrikson , Yuvraj Agarwal , Limin Jia , Arthur Azevedo de Amorim
verification model checking and abstract interpretation 486 -508
Lorrie Faith Cranor , Yuvraj Agarwal , Pardis Emami-Naeini , Janarth Dheenadhayalan
ieee symposium on security and privacy
Franceska Xhakaj , Yuvraj Agarwal , Chris Harrison , Amy Ogan
human factors in computing systems
Yuvraj Agarwal , Sudershan Boovaraghavan , Anurag Maravi , Prahaladha Mallela
the internet of things 169 -181
Tianshi Li , Yuvraj Agarwal , Jason I. Hong
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 ( 4) 178
Haojian Jin , Minyi Liu , Kevan Dodhia , Yuanchun Li
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 ( 4) 173
Jason Koh , Bharathan Balaji , Dhiman Sengupta , Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Systems for Built Environments 11 -20
Francesco Fraternali , Bharathan Balaji , Yuvraj Agarwal , Luca Benini
Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Systems for Built Environments 168 -171
Gabe Fierro , Jason Koh , Shreyas Nagare , Xiaolin Zang
Frontiers in Built Environment 6
Yuanchun Li , Ziyue Yang , Yao Guo , Xiangqun Chen
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 733 -742
Karan Ahuja , Dohyun Kim , Franceska Xhakaj , Virag Varga
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 3 ( 3) 1 -26
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi , Tamar Krishnamurti , Joshua Gluck , Yuvraj Agarwal
Energy Policy 130 197 -205
Gabe Fierro , Jason Koh , Yuvraj Agarwal , Rajesh K. Gupta
international conference on systems 125 -134
Jason Koh , Dezhi Hong , Shreyas Nagare , Sudershan Boovaraghavan
international conference on systems 121 -124
Jason Koh , Kuo Liang , Yiming Yang , Dezhi Hong
international conference on systems 340 -341
Aqsa Kashaf , Vyas Sekar , Yuvraj Agarwal
internet measurement conference 634 -647
Bharathan Balaji , Al Faruque , Mohammad Abdullah , Nikil Dutt
design automation conference 82
Nathaniel Horner , Ines Azevedo , Doug Sicker , Yuvraj Agarwal
2016 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 80 -85
Y Agarwal , B Balaji , S Dutta , R Gupta
Proceedings of the Third ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings - BuildSys '11 13 -18