Matthew Matheny , Michael Roukes , James P Crutchfield , Raissa D'Souza
L. Dueñas-Osorio , Gian Paolo Cimellaro , R. Paredes-Toro
NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering
C Gómez , J Buriticá , M Sánchez-Silva , L Dueñas-Osorio
First International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2011); and Fifth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Anaylsis (ISUMA) 214 -221
C Gómez , M Sánchez-Silva , L Dueñas-Osorio ,
Structural Safety 50 66 -77
R. Paredes , L. Dueñas-Osorio , K.S. Meel , M.Y. Vardi
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191 106472
X. Min , L. Dueñas-Osorio
Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Conference (TCLEE) 2009 1 -12
K. Rokneddin , M. Sánchez-Silva , L. Dueñas-Osorio
Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Conference (TCLEE) 2009 1 -12
M Ghosn , L Dueñas-Osorio , DM Frangopol , TP McAllister
Journal of Structural Engineering-asce 142 ( 9)
Andrew M. Smith , Andrés D. González , Leonardo Dueñas‐Osorio , Raissa M. D'Souza
Risk Analysis 40 ( 1) 134 -152
Leonardo Dueñas-osorio , Raissa M D’Souza
D Subramanian , J Salazar , L Duenas-Osorio , R Stein
1056 -1066
RM Stein , L Duenas-Osorio , D Subramanian
L Duenas-Osorio , RM Stein , D Subramanian
Świat Nauki ( 11)
J Chan , R Paredes , I Papaioannou , L Duenas-Osorio
Adaptive Monte Carlo methods for network reliability assessment 145 -145
AF Mensah , L Duenas-Osorio , I Prowell , MA Asareh
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal
X Zhou , L Duenas-Osorio
The 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2021-2022)
A Beck , Hesam Talebiyan , E Cha , L Duenas-Osorio
AL Beck , H Talebiyan , EJ Cha , L Duenas-Osorio
8th Intl. Symp. on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM 2022)
J Chan , R Paredes , I Papaioannou , L Duenas Osorio
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14)
Omar Nofal , Nathanael Rosenheim , Sabarethinam Kameshwar , Jayant Patil
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering