W. Pötzi , M. Temmer , G. Riegler , D. J. Baumgartner
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 39 125
A. Pinz , Th. Pock , H. Bischof , F. Leberl [Eds.]
Pattern Recognition: Joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium, Graz, Austria 7476 ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 510 p. -510 p.
Thomas Pock , Rene Ranftl , Yunjin Chen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 ( 3) 1060 -1072
Thomas Pock , Dirk A. Lorenz
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Thomas Pock , Horst Bischof , Markus Unger
13th Computer Vision Winter Workshop: CVWW 2008 123 -130
Thomas Pock , Markus Grabner , Horst Bischof
Computer Vision Winter Workshop: CVWW 2007 67 -74
Thomas Pock , Rene Ranftl , Yunjin Chen , Hong Qiao
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 21 ( 11) 1370 -1374
Thomas Pock , Wei Yu
arXiv: Learning
Antonin Chambolle , Thomas Pock , Matteo Novaga , Vicent Caselles
Walter De Gruyter 9 263 -340
Thomas Pock , Konrad Schindler , Christoph Vogel , Audrey Richard
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Martin Urschler , Thomas Pock , Michael Karbiener , Markus Gugatschka
2017 Autumn Padua Muscle Days
Thomas Pock , Kristian Bredies , Florian Knoll , Rudolf Stollberger
Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magentic Resonance in Medicine and the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology 4855 -4855
Thomas Pock , Patrick Knöbelreiter , Alexander Shekhovtsov , Aleksander Colovic
Computer Vision Winter Workshop: CVWW 2017
Oliver Maier , Matthias Schloegl , Andreas Lesch , Andreas Petrovic
ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting
Thomas Pock , Daniel K Sodickson , Kerstin Hammernik , Florian Knoll
ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting 0687
Thomas Pock , Teresa Klatzer
Computer Vision Winter Workshop: CVWW 2015
Thomas Pock , Rene Ranftl , Stefan Heber
1 -8
Thomas Pock , Stefan Kluckner , Horst Bischof , Markus Unger
BMVA Meeting Aerial Image Recognition and Classification 110 -114
Thomas Pock , Lukas Zebedin , Horst Bischof
Rainbow of computer science 245 -258
Thomas Pock , Shoham Sabach , Peter Ochs , Mahesh Chandra Mukkamala
arXiv: Optimization and Control