Kwang-Soon Ahn , Ji-won Lee , Wha Sup Lee , Jae-Man Choi
Joon-Suh Lee , Dae-Ryook Yang , In-Beum Lee , Kun-Soo Chang
제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집 1 ( 2) 48 -53
K C Persaud , D D Lee , H G Byun , J S Huh
Artificial Chemical Sensing: Olfaction and the Electronic Nose (Isoen 2001). 2001;2001(15). 2001 ( 15)
Sokolsky , Zhang , Jones , Ayoub
embedded software 155 -164
Lee , Clarke
international conference on software engineering
Sokolsky , Phan , Lee
2011 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES) 237 -238
Lee , Heimdahl , Sokolsky
embedded software 227 -232
S‐U Lee , Y‐S Lee , Y‐H Moon
Materials Research Innovations 15
S S. Sawada , I -M. Lee , K Matsuzaki , S N. Blair
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35
Y. Shi , I.- T. Lee , A. Md. Afsar , J.- I. Song
International Journal of Automotive Technology 10 ( 4) 481 -488
David Smitley , Insup Lee , Samuel M. Goldwasser
international conference on parallel processing 394 -396
Susan B Davidson , Insup Lee , Victor Fay-Wolfe
Jian Chang , Insup Lee , Oleg Sokolsky , Anaheed Ayoub
21st Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS'13) 127 -144
Rahul Mangharam , Oleg Sokolsky , Insup Lee
Insup Lee , Robert King , Xiaoping Yan , R. Vijay Kumar
Victor Wolfe , Susan Davidson , Insup Lee
Insup Lee , Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
Patrice Brémond-Grégoire , Jin-Young Choi , Insup Lee
Oleg Sokolsky , Shaohui Wang , Insup Lee , Srinivasan Dwarakanathan