Virendra J Marathe , Joseph H Izraelevitz
Joseph Herman Izraelevitz
Washington University
Michael Scott , Joseph Izraelevitz
Faisal Nawab , Dhruva R. Chakrabarti , Terence Kelly , Michael L. Scott
international symposium on distributed computing 16
Jishen Zhao , Steven Swanson , Joseph Izraelevitz , Subramanya R. Dulloor
arXiv: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Steven Swanson , Joseph Izraelevitz , Jian Yang
networked systems design and implementation 111 -125
Steven Swanson , Joseph Izraelevitz , Yi Xu
architectural support for programming languages and operating systems 346 -359
Kunal Korgaonkar , Joseph Izraelevitz , Jishen Zhao , Steven Swanson
principles of distributed computing 435 -444
Joseph Izraelevitz , Terence Kelly , Aasheesh Kolli
architectural support for programming languages and operating systems 44 ( 2) 427 -442
Juno Kim , Yun Joon Soh , Joseph Izraelevitz , Jishen Zhao
asia pacific workshop on systems 1 -8
Haosen Wen , Joseph Izraelevitz , Wentao Cai , H. Alan Beadle
acm sigplan symposium on principles and practice of parallel programming 53 ( 1) 1 -13
Joseph Izraelevitz , Michael L. Scott
parallel computing 3 ( 4) 22
Joseph Izraelevitz , Hammurabi Mendes , Michael L. Scott
acm symposium on parallel algorithms and architectures 157 -159
Joseph Izraelevitz , Lingxiang Xiang , Michael L. Scott
international conference on parallel architectures and compilation techniques 79 -90
Joseph Izraelevitz , Michael L. Scott
principles of distributed computing 53 -55
Joseph Izraelevitz , Michael L. Scott
acm symposium on parallel algorithms and architectures 73 -75
Matthew Graichen , Joseph Izraelevitz , Michael L. Scott
international conference on parallel processing 217 -226
Qingrui Liu , Joseph Izraelevitz , Se Kwon Lee , Michael L. Scott
international symposium on microarchitecture 258 -270
Amirsaman Memaripour , Joseph Izraelevitz , Steven Swanson
architectural support for programming languages and operating systems 789 -806
Stephen McCamant , Ayaz Akram , Usman Ali , Achilleas Anastasopoulos