M.L. Lung , Yue Cheng , Hl Lung
International Symposium on Tumor Associated Herpesviruses, Cairns, Australia
ER Zabarovsky , EJ Stanbridge , Akl Cheung , SW Tsao
ML Lung , Akl Leung
Center for Cancer Research Retreat, HKUST
ML Lung , CS Leung
Anticancer Research 19 625 -628
ML Lung , Phy Lo
Center for Cancer Research Retreat, HKUST
KM Li , NK Mak , NS Yiu , ML Lung
33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Immunology. The University of Western Australia, Perth
Acc Leung , S. Law , ML Lung , Vcl Wong
American Association of Cancer Research. Los Angeles, CA, USA
EJ Stanbridge , ML Lung , PH Lo , G. Srivastava
95th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida
KC Chan , ML Lung
Atlas of genetics and cytogenetics in oncology and haematology ( 5)
HY Ng , ML Lung
ESMO Open 3
TF Chan , KF Hui , W Yang , JJ Shen
Research Postgraduate Symposium, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
ML Lung , W Dai , H Zheng , JMY Ko
Health Research Symposium 2017
W Dai , SM Tang , H Zheng , AKL Cheung
International Symposium on Epstein Barr Virus & Associated Disease
W Dai , H Zheng , SM Tang , PC Sham
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Genomic Instability
M Deng , ML Lung , AKL Cheung , W Dai
24th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference (APCC 2017)
H Zheng , ML Lung
Research Postgraduate Symposium, RPS 2014
J Li , JMY Ko , W Dai , HY Ng
The 1st International Electronic Conference on Cancers (IECC): Exploiting Cancer Vulnerability by Targeting the DNA Damage Response
KYL Chow , W Dai , ML Lung
The 25th Research Postgraduate Symposium (RPS), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
M Deng , AKL Cheung , W Dai , VZY Yu
Proceedings of the 110th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting
JMY Ko , V Vardhanabhuti , WT Ng , KO Lam
Gordon Research Conference on Translational Cancer Genomics