Andrew S. Clare , Jamie C. Macbeth , Fei Gao , Missy L. Cummings
national conference on artificial intelligence
Fei Gao , Missy L. Cummings , Luca F. Bertuccelli
human-robot interaction 81 -88
Bertuccelli , Cummings , Pellegrino
Proceedings of the 2010 American Contrl Conference 2410 -2415
LiSongpo , L CummingsMary
Journal of Data and Information Quality 13 ( 2) 1 -19
Mary (Missy) Cummings
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 12 ( 1) 58 -61
Victoria C. Nneji , Alexander Stimpson , Mary (Missy) Cummings , Kenneth H. Goodrich
17th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference
Scott , Stacey D and Cummings , ML and Graeber , David A and Nelson
Proceedings of CCRTS 20 -22
F Sasangohar , KM Thornburg , ML Cummings , Jing Xing
Massachusettes Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
JJ Abbott , AA Abouzeid , M Ahmadi , R Alami
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23 ( 6) 1309 -1309
B Hasanain , AD Boyd , ML Bolton , M Webster
ML Cummings
Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 977 -992
ML Cummings , Kevin Myers , Stacey D Scott
Proceedings of UVS Canada: conference on unmanned vehicle systems Canada
Drew Simshaw , Nicolas Terry , Kris Hauser , ML Cummings
Carl E Nehme , Jacob W Crandall , ML Cummings
12th international command and control research and technology symposium 19 -21
Yves Boussemart , ML Cummings
Humans operating unmanned systems
PM Mitchell , ML Cummings , TB Sheridan
10th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium 2 ( 1) 3.1 -3.1
MA Goodrich , ML Cummings
Int C2 J 1 ( 2) 1 -24
ML Cummings , Stephanie Guerlain
Psychology Press 240 -244
Stacey D Scott , Jordan Wan , Alma Rico , Carina Furusho
HSIS 2007: ASNE Human Systems Integration Symposium 19 -21