Kristen Grauman , Jeff Donahue
international conference on computer vision 1395 -1402
Kate Saenko , Eric S Tzeng , Judy Hoffman , Jeff Donahue
neural information processing systems 27 3536 -3544
Kate Saenko , Yangqing Jia , Eric Tzeng , Judy Hoffman
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Kate Saenko , Subhashini Venugopalan , Jeff Donahue , Raymond Mooney
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Yangqing Jia , Eric Tzeng , Judy Hoffman , Jeff Donahue
international conference on machine learning 647 -655
Philipp Krähenbühl , Carl Doersch , Carl Doersch , Jeff Donahue
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Philipp Krahenbuhl , Alexei A. Efros , Jeff Donahue , Deepak Pathak
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Koray Kavukcuoglu , Simon Osindero , Iain Dunning , Max Jaderberg
arXiv: Learning
Karen Simonyan , Jeff Donahue , Andrew Brock
international conference on learning representations
Erik Rodner , Kate Saenko , Judy Hoffman , Jeff Donahue
arXiv: Learning
Evan Shelhamer , Sergey Karayev , Yangqing Jia , Jonathan Long
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Kate Saenko , Subhashini Venugopalan , Jeff Donahue , Raymond Mooney
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Eric Tzeng , Jeff Donahue , Trevor Darrell , Yushi Jing
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Karen Simonyan , Jeff Donahue
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Philipp Krähenbühl , Jeff Donahue , Trevor Darrell
international conference on learning representations
Karen Simonyan , Jeff Donahue , Aidan Clark
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
David Balduzzi , Karen Simonyan , Jeff Donahue , Yan Wu
arXiv: Learning
Sander Dieleman , Karen Simonyan , Jeff Donahue , Erich Elsen
arXiv: Sound
Jost Tobias Springenberg , Jeff Donahue , Pushmeet Kohli , Andrew Brock
neural information processing systems 33 5599 -5609
Ning Zhang , Jeff Donahue , Ross Girshick , Trevor Darrell
european conference on computer vision 834 -849