Giuditta Pezzotta , Sergio Cavalieri , Peter Wilde , Dancan C. Mcfarlane
11th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises, 15-16 October 2009, Bergamo, Italy
Farid , Covanich , Brusey , McFarlane
The IET International Conference on Agile Manufacturing 41 -50
M Fletcher , A Lucas , Mill Lane , Dennis Jarvis
Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory
Duncan McFarlane , Alexandra Brintrup , M. Tomasella , Mark Harrison
European Commission
Jin Mitsugi , Tatsuya Inaba , Béla Pátkai , Lila Theodorou
Duncan McFarlane , 優子 大野 , Yossi Sheffi
マテリアルフロ- 45 ( 9) 216 -220
Duncan McFarlane , Ajith Kumar Parlikad
LCE 2008: 15th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering: Conference Proceedings 189
Larry Menor , Duncan McFarlane , Jim Spohrer , Jos Lemmink
University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing
Duncan McFarlane , Glenn Parry , Irene C. L. Ng , Paul Tasker
Springer Verlag London Ltd.
Duncan McFarlane , Alexandra Brintrup , Tomás Sánchez López
Duncan McFarlane , Alexandra Brintrup
Thomas Kelepouris , Duncan McFarlane , Alexandra Brintrup , Ajith Kumar Parlikad
16th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2009)
Marlin H. Mickle , Duncan McFarlane , Daniel W. Engels , Peter Cole
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Vaggelis Giannikas , Duncan McFarlane , Wenrong Lu , Philip Woodall
22nd International Symposium on Logistics : Data Driven Supply Chains 375 -383
Duncan McFarlane , Torben Jess , Philip Woodal
Library and Information Statistics Unit, Loughborough University
Vaggelis Giannikas , Duncan McFarlane , Shuya Zhong , Jorge Merino
POMS International Conference 2019
Vaggelis Giannikas , Duncan McFarlane , Wenrong Lu , Shuya Zhong
10th European Decision Sciences Institute Conference
Vaggelis Giannikas , Duncan McFarlane , Rengarajan Srinivasan , Renaud Guyot
22nd International Symposium on Logistics 105 -112
Yedige Tlegenov , Duncan McFarlane , Ajith K. Parlikad , Alan Thorne
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 ( 2) 10342 -10347
Yedige Tlegenov , Duncan McFarlane , Ajith K. Parlikad , Alan Thorne
Annual Reviews in Control