Peter Akong Minang
University of Twente
Patricia Balvanera , Alexander Pfaff , Peter Akong Minang , Syed Ainul Hussain
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11 -- 16)
Peter Akong Minang , Meine Van Noordwijk , Lalisa A Duguma , Dieudonne Alemagi
Climate Policy 14 ( 6) 685 -708
Houria Djoudi , Kate Dooley , Amy E Duchelle , Antoine Libert-Amico
SSRN Electronic Journal 1 -26
Patricia Balvanera , Alexander Pfaff , Andrés Viña , Eduardo Garcia Frapolli
The global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Bonn, Germany: IPBES
Peter Akong Minang , Meine van Noordwijk , Elizabeth Kahurani
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 241 -241
Meine van Noordwijk , Peter Akong Minang
European Tropical Forest Research Network- ETFRN News ( 50) 5 -10
Yemi Katerere , Peter Akong Minang , Heidi Vanhanen
World Forests Society and Environment (WFSE) - International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO)
Peter Akong Minang
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
Peter Akong Minang , Deborah Murphy
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Anderson Gwanyebit Kehbila , Dieudonne Alemagi , Peter Akong Minang
Sustainability 6 ( 9) 6125 -6140
Peter Akong Minang , Stefan Jungcurt , Vanessa Meadu , Deborah Murphy
IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development
S Chomba , Peter Akong Minang
World Agroforestry Centre Policy Brief 7
Valentina Robiglio , Peter Akong Minang , Richard Asare
ASB PolicyBrief 23
Peter Akong Minang , Brent Swallow , Vanessa Meadu
ASB PolicyBrief 1
Peter Akong Minang , Meadu Vanessa , Sonya Dewi , Brent Swallow
ASB PolicyBrief 10
Meine van Noordwijk , Sonya Dewi , Suyanto , Peter Akong Minang
Project Report. Bogor, Indonesia. World Agroforestry Centre‐ICRAF, SEA Regional Office
S.J. Scherr , S. Shames , C. Wallace , J. Hatcher
EcoAgriculture Partners
Peter Akong Minang , Deborah Murphy
Institut international du développement durable
Thomas Yatich , Brent Swallow , Olu Ajayi , Peter Akong Minang