Abhinav Dhall , Roland Goecke
international conference on pattern recognition 3525 -3528
Abhinav Dhall , Michael Breakspear , Gordon Parker , Jyoti Joshi
international conference on pattern recognition 2634 -2638
Abhinav Dhall , Ibrahim Radwan , Roland Goecke
international conference on pattern recognition 3496 -3499
Abhinav Dhall , Tom Gedeon , Michael Wagner , Jyoti Joshi
Abhinav Dhall
Canberra, ACT : University of Canberra
Shubham Dham , Anirudh Sharma , Abhinav Dhall
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Abhinav Dhall ,
The Australian National University
Abhinav Dhall , Tom Gedeon , Roland Goecke , Amanjot Kaur
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Nicu Sebe , Abhinav Dhall , Garima Sharma , Shreya Ghosh
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Tom Gedeon , Michael Wagner , Jyoti Joshi , Roland Goecke
ACM Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge and Workshop, EmotiW 2013 - Co-located with ICMI 2013
Abhinav Dhall , Ramanathan Subramanian , Komal Chugh , Parul Gupta
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Subrahmanyam Murala , Abhinav Dhall , Usman Tariq , Gourav Wadhwa
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 3912 -3921
Wenming Zheng , Xiaohua Huang , Guoying Zhao , Abhinav Dhall
Image and Vision Computing 110 104185
Abhinav Dhall , Ramanathan Subramanian , Vineet Mehta , Parul Gupta
intelligent user interfaces 61 -63
Abhinav Dhall , Shehroz S. Khan , Sujata Pal , Vineet Mehta
international conference on pattern recognition 6321 -6328
Karan Sikka , Gwen Littlewort , Roland Goecke , Marian Bartlett
workshop on applications of computer vision 1028 -1035
Komal Chugh , Parul Gupta , Abhinav Dhall , Ramanathan Subramanian
acm multimedia 439 -447
Soumil Kanwal , Vineet Mehta , Abhinav Dhall
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 4674 -4678
Akshay Dudhane , Subrahmanyam Murala , Abhinav Dhall
indian conference on computer vision, graphics and image processing 3293359
Jyoti Joshi , Roland Goecke , Sharifa Alghowinem , Abhinav Dhall
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 7 ( 3) 217 -228